
Where to change my Yen in Singapore? 去哪裡換日幣?

So I'd been watching the exchange rate recently and the Yen seems to be getting stronger ( SGD/JPY forex chart ). So I rushed down to change my money before I lose more. The exchange rate was: AMK Hub $15.7 Mustafa $15.51 Suntec City $15.48 As you can see, the heartland mall exchange rate is not very good. After checking the forex rates at  Mustafa 's website, I dashed down to do my exchange. But when I went to Suntec City to cut my hair, I found out that their rate was slightly better. I also heard that The Arcade's rate at Raffles Place area was the best. So now you know where to change your money! Update 2011: People's Park Centre offers a better rate than Suntec! 看到日益強勁的日幣後,我趕緊查詢哪裡換錢。結果社區的購物中心果然匯率不好-_-。所以特地去小印度的Mustafa換日幣。之後去新達城剪頭髮時,才發現原來那裡的兌換率更好!不過還好不是虧很多,下次知道要去哪裡換是最好的!

The Smarty CS [007]

I'm proud to say that I'd been living on a P4 machine with only 36GB hard disk and 512mb ram for 2 years of my civil service. I did request for a faster PC but I was always rejected by the same reason that there's no more machines around!? Anyway it's a Windows XP and runs faster than my Dad's Windows Vista! I can run Photoshop and do small paintings but opening a 3D software(Maya) is like waiting for the tadpoles to become frogs.

Flying to Japan soon! 去日本!

Hi everybody! Sorry for the slow updates. I'm busy preparing my visa, luggage, insurance, university information, dental and health matters to Japan. Since many of you had asked me the same questions, I thought I'd just compile everything here :P 大家好! 一直沒更新,實在很抱歉。我正在準備出國的手續,行李,保險,大學資料,等。因為同事和學生們都問我很多同一個問題,所以我想就在這裡全部回答吧!

Japan Creative Centre 日本創意中心

So today me and my friends went to visit a design exhibition held at JCC. We've never been there so we took a long time to figure that the entrance was NOT along Nassim Road. In fact, it's right next to Delphi Orchard across the road -_- 今天我和幾位朋友到位於Nassim Road的日本創意中心。原本以為是在Nassim Road,結果找了5分鐘後,發現入口原來就在Orchard Delphi的對面 -_-

The Smarty CS [006]

Lotus Notes is an email program by IBM. Something like Microsoft Outlook which lets you send and receive email. It is essential for civil servants to login to our email everyday, in fact, it is our daily routine. So when the email system is down, it is like NO WORK TODAY! YIPPEE!!!!!! (ya right...)

The Smarty CS [005]

Seriously would $100 levy really work? Imagine 35,000 casino visitors in two days. If half are Singaporeans and PR, that would mean 17,500x$100 =$1,750,000 of tax to our government. Looks like our civil servant bonus for this year is looking good :) - Sentosa Island visitorship surges after RWS casino & theme park open , 15th Feb

The Smarty CS [004] CNY Special

  Well I think many Singaporeans have forgotten Captain Green Frog, the mascot for Clean and Green Singapore campaign back in the 90s? If you notice all our mascots are lions, except for the frog! So I deduce that the frog must be a lion inside. Goodbye Froggie!