Flying to Japan soon! 去日本!

Sorry for the slow updates. I'm busy preparing my visa, luggage, insurance, university information, dental and health matters to Japan. Since many of you had asked me the same questions, I thought I'd just compile everything here :P
Q: Where are you heading to?
請問你要去哪裡?Tokyo, Shinjuku. 東京,新宿。
Q: When is your last day at NYP? When will you fly?
你在南洋理工學院的最後一天是幾時呢?出國的日期呢?My official last day is on 23rd March, but I will be clearing leave before that. So maybe it will be 16th. My date of departure is on 31st March midnight.
Q: For how long?
多久?I'll be studying the Japanese language in a government school for1 year, then apply for a masters course in another Japanese university. Total 3 years.
Q: What will you be studying?
請問唸什麼?My first year is Japanese language, then I need to apply for a masters course in media design/manga. They are 2 different schools.
Q: Which school?
哪兒間學校?My first year is in the Tokyo Japanese Language Education Center, JASSO. After which I am free to enter into the university of my choice (currently still researching).
Q: Where will you stay?
住哪兒?A small dormitory in school for first year, then look for own apartment when I change to university.
Q: How did you afford these?
哇,你怎麼付得起啊?ASJA (Asia Japan Alumni) scholarship. Tuition, air tickets (one round only) and monthly stipend is covered. There may be some allowance for textbooks, electronic dictionary and laptop.
通過ASJA (Asia Japan Alumni)的奬學金。有包括學費,來回機票和每月零用錢。部份課本,電子詞典和膝上電腦也可贊助。
Q: Is there a bond?
請問畢業後必須回國服務嗎?Nope :P , but they have tons of compulsory activities to promote cultural exchange and understanding.
不用 :P。但是會有很多規定參與的文化交流活動。
Q: I'm interested, are there other scholarships?
請問還有其它奬學金嗎?JUGAS (Japan University Graduates Association of Singapore) will have their own scholarship to encourage Singaporeans to further their education in Japan, funds are currently being raised. Otherwise there's always the MEXT scholarship directly offered by the Japanese government every year. I sat in their examinations for two years and their papers kept changing. Your best bet is to have a good Japanese first before applying. There's no exam for ASJA.
JUGAS (Japan University Graduates Association of Singapore)將會有自己的奬學金來鼓勵本地學生前往日本深造。除此之外也有每年的MEXT,日本政府頒發的奬學金。我有兩年都去參加他們的考試,每年的考題都不一樣。最好是先有好的日語。ASJA的就不用考試了。
Another scholarship for Media students is from MDA, but it only pays for tuition only and a bond relative to the sum given, up to 2 years in any media-related companies. NAC also provides scholarship for fine arts major.
Q: Any tips to get scholarships?
有什麼申請奬學金的心得嗎?Good grades will definitely help. You'll also need recommendation letters from both previous school and employer. Usually, there will be essays to express your deep interest in the Japanese culture as well as how to contribute back into your society when you return. Prepare for tons of paperwork and photocopying.
Q: Which airline did you booked?
你會乘坐哪兒家航空呢?I booked SIA because I thought it will be more lenient with extra checked-in baggage. But I was wrong! My request was rejected so I can only check in 20kg luggage. Boo... Should have booked ANA or JAL instead.
Good luck with your studies, and your dreams of becoming a manga artist ! :]
ReplyDelete終於成功了 ^^
blauereiter: Hi! Thanks for the well-wishes! :D
ReplyDeleteYou have such an amazing range of art books!!!
Zero Fok: 成功的一半吧!至少可以到漫畫帝國去見識了 :D
ReplyDelete謝謝小卓! :>
ReplyDeleteWhat the long list! Bon Voyage 贵妇!
ReplyDeleteThanks Wenhan! 希望真的能變成貴婦漫畫家嘍,哈哈。
ReplyDeleteEva Eva~ I am so happy for you!
祝福再祝福 寒暑假可以來台灣找我阿!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteVickie Vickie~~~
Tina: 謝謝妳啦~ 我也希望會有時間飛。
行程似乎很緊 @_@
wow, im a sidm student, and 23 march is my birthday :l
ReplyDeletewow! 3years in japan and i love SHINJUKU! ! so envy!!! i also wan!!! will work hard. :D take care over there. Misses!
Huitian :D:D:D:D
Zhijiun: Haha early Happy Birthday to you!
ReplyDeleteHuitian: Haha, ganbatte and get scholarships! You can look for JASSO too, I think they have some small scholarships ;)
Hello Ms Eva,
ReplyDeleteAll the best for your studies~
By the way ming guan here..hahaha XD