
Sakura battle 櫻花大戰

Sakura in Tokyo will start blooming this weekend! Oh, the pretty sakura... just like what you see in anime and drama. But if you're heading down to the popular Shinjuku park, be prepared for the Sakura Battle! Hunt and guard your territory well. Prepared to have your bag or shoes tramped on or accidentally tramping on others. Remember to also stare at other people to fight for the best scenic shot. Will you still risk your 200yen and still go for the kill? 氣象局說這週末東京的櫻花就會開始盛開了!日劇和動漫常常呈獻出一種又美麗又浪漫的氣氛。但在東京的新宿公園裡,爛漫的櫻花下隱藏著濃濃殺氣... 變成你爭我奪的“地盤爭霸戰”。包包或鞋子不是被踩到,就是不小心踩到別人的。你瞪我,我瞪你,爭奪在最漂亮櫻花樹下拍照。這樣的賞花,你還會去嗎?

An end and new beginning 一個結束和新的開始

I was looking at my comic strips printed out before my computer broke down. I found out that after all these years, my favorite is still the old comics that I drew in my Taiwanese blog, literally translated as "rich lady series". Maybe I'm really vain and materialistic? Or maybe I really enjoyed drawing comics without the black boxes with complete freedom to escape the boundaries? Or maybe I just write better in Chinese? Or was it due to stress from slow growth of FB fans? Although my computer broke down, I talked with a few new friends. One of them actually gave me a wise advise... don't worry about these, the most important thing is to enjoy the creation process. Many people told me the same thing before but those words just didn't penetrate through my skull. But somehow this time, it did. So I reflected on why I enjoyed drawing the old series. 1) Writing the dialogues in Chinese somehow makes my expressions more exaggerated? 2) I prefer drawing without

[109] A Picture is worth a thousand words 一幅畫勝過千言萬語

I found out that I'd uploaded this comic strip to my web album before my hard disk crashed. God is probably telling me to change my script and start all over again. No, I'm not Christian, but I'm pretty sure he's right this time. 中文版請點(更多)→

[108] Noise in noise out 痛苦的統計學

 Trying hard after 12 years without Maths. 中文版請點(更多)→

[107] Everyday Rush 每天的賽跑


4P in shopping 購物的4P

Experimented on something new to boost more shares in Facebook. But it didn't work... 中文版請點(更多)→ 

Happy Valentine's Day! 情人節快樂!

For those without a valentine, at least we have our friends :P 沒有情人,但至少有朋友!