Evacomics at STGCC 2017
You might be wondering why no wall because I sell mainly comic books this time and ehem, with a wall would cost $749 (w GST), without a wall is $535. So yeah, a pillar is good enough 😏 #canSTGCClowerRentORTicketPriceNextTime?
I was selling some new postcards and bookmarks but sales was not as good as AFA maybe because a lot who came to buy my books were my friends? 😅
Nevertheless we managed to sell out all 6 of the remaining cat cushions! I had been trying to clear the cats for 2 solid years (read about my agony here). It has been quite a nightmare but it was a good learning experience. I find that Singapore is not a good place to sell niche products due to the small market size and high rental cost. I cannot produce too many so the unit cost is high and I cannot sell too high otherwise people won't buy. Therefore margin is really squeezed and not feasible to reproduce again. But if you know of a supplier who can produce 100pcs of good quality plushie, please let me know! Because you know, there's still Kopi...
I did not participate STGCC for 2 years so I wasn't sure how many books to bring. If I bring too many, I would have to carry all the leftovers back by myself. So it was a surprise that I sold out all the 90 copies of my latest book that I brought to the convention on the first day. Sunday crowd was much lesser but nevertheless still managed to clear the additional 36 books that I brought. However I'm very sorry to fans, who came down to buy my books but only to find out that there was no more stock. m(_ _)m

There were Final Fantasy XV characters posing right next to my booth! (Hope everyone got my backdrop XD) #freeAdvertisingUnlocked
I was happy to meet many of my fans who came despite the high ticket charge and shared with me their photos on Instagram and Facebook! (Photo credit: @daisyxlavender, @magh82, @edwinchiam, Richard, Siva, Swee Shoon, Hochi, @kennethkohl, @pandsqwark84)
Also with Captain America (@captainAmericaSG), Darthvadar (@willis_sia) and Saber ( @ytrxfood), @kaiyoots and @reddy1724 (Sorry Aaron always forget your name)
💗💕Big big thanks to all of you who came down this STGCC to support my books!
If you missed this, fret not. I have a string of events lined up till end of the year! you all can either visit me at Translate Singapore or Kinokuniya Book signing this month! All 3 volumes of my books will be available for sale at the festival and book signing! I will also be at the Singapore Writers Festival in Nov!
What was your first ever comic?
ReplyDeleteEva, Kopi and Matcha, it was published in 2014.