
Talk and Donation at HCMC University of Law

It was a privilege to share my experience about the magazine infringement case with students at Ho Chi Minh City University of Law. The panel of speakers included Doanh Nguyen, who is their alumni and legal specialist who helped me in the infringement case.  You can recap what happened here.

Comics: Why Japanese takes forever to decide

This is based on true story from my Japanese friend, that they need meetings to discuss when to hold the next meeting! Consensus from everyone is important but this delays making decisions...

Yoga Comics: The Countdown Cheat 2

Seems that not a lot of people understand the previous strip so I did this version which may be more obvious. Although I find the previous twisted lunge pose more difficult to hold than this warrior 3 pose.

Yoga Comics: The Countdown Cheat

I am experimenting a new format for my yoga comics and writing slightly more on my blog than FB and Instagram. The twisted lunge pose is pretty challenging for me to hold after 5 breaths. The other challenging pose for me to hold is the boat pose. I am still unable to straighten my legs without sitting back, which is incorrect posture for the back. Oh well, one day I will be able to!

Yoga Comics: Baby Crow Pose

Somehow I find baby crow pose more difficult that crow pose! The back of the arms and core has to work really hard to lift the legs up! P.S. I will be dedicating a new tag to my comics about yoga, fitness and diet (failures).

Singapore rubbish bins VS Japanese vending machines

In Japan, a vending machine can appear anywhere, even at deserted places. Likewise in Singapore, you will find rubbish bins, everywhere!

Japanese smartphone camera shutter sound cannot be turned off

People who bought iPhone in Japan will be disappointed that the camera shutter sound cannot be turned off even when the phone is set to silent mode. The reason behind this madness is because Japanese are very sensitive about people taking their photos secretly, so manufacturers are not allowed to let users take photos without shutter sound. Unfortunately, other smartphones also share the same fate but I heard that it can be resolved by downloading certain apps, which of course is a bit of a hassle. Besides that, Japanese phones are also locked to their service provider so you have to jailbreak them to use with another carrier or in another country. That is why many people buy iPhone in Singapore because it is not locked to another carrier and yes, camera shutter is turned off when the phone is in silent mode~