
Odd Japanese English: Rentogen and X-ray

This thing didn't happen, but I did visit a doctor with my mask frequently when I was suspected of contracting TB... ( you can find my blog post here back in 2011 )

Haze comics

It's the haze season again in Singapore! Yes, it is actually an official season now! Starts from September and might end in November... It is said to be caused by the palm oil plantations in Indonesia: So I drew this "sensitive" teeth toothpaste to help get more signatures for the campaign. But apparently it is still far from target (maybe it's too troublesome?) I still go for my yoga classes and went to a Ashtanga yoga class last month at Yoga Inc. And boy, it was very tough, jumping in and out of poses and several repetitive sequences. I think I will go back to my regular hatha and flow classes...

Why Matcha cat cushions were so difficult to remake

It wasn't easy to clear 100 cat cushions last year. I sold through my homepage, during my talks and I rented booths at conventions. The books were freakin heavy and the cats were freakin bulky. You combine the two and it's a seller's worst nightmare. Finally after 3 months of struggle, it  was finally sold out  during Anime Festival Asia in December. ...and I thought my nightmare was over... But whenever I take Matcha (yes that is the name of my cat) out to conventions, people kept asking for it. Strange that: When I have plenty of stock, people don't want to buy. When I have no stock, people want to buy. WAT DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Animals taking over human jobs in Japan

In Japan, cats can become station master and dogs can become store keepers! Don't think this can happen in other countries... *sweat* *I will be signing my comic strips from now on to prevent theft of my artwork with my credits removed.

Deadly Indonesian chili VS Japanese curry

Last comic strip based on my trip to Indonesia last month! The chili is deadly!!! (Singapore is in between I think)

Singapore Toy, Game & Comic Convention (STGCC) 2015

With nothing to sell this year, I went to Singapore Toy Game and Comics Convention, aka STGCC 2015 (12-13 Sep) as a media visitor to check out the exhibits, the artist alley and crowd. One-day pass costs $19 and two-day pass costs $28 , increased from $25 last year. Kids below 5 can enjoy free admission on Sat and kids below 12 can enjoy free admission on Sunday. Unfortunately this information was not well conveyed as many people I spoke to did not know about this.

Tight security in Indonesian shopping malls

I was really amazed with the tight security at shopping malls in Indonesia. They even check vehicles when you drive into the driveway or carpark. I felt almost as safe as airports... I wonder if it happens in other countries too?