
Charity Yoga event at Yoga Inc.

Thank you very much to my fans and regulars of Yoga Inc. for supporting this  meaningful event, where half of the proceeds was donated to the Singapore Cancer Society and the other half to Singapore Breast Cancer Foundation!

Monday Yoga Comic on Downward Dog Pose

This is a continuation of my last month's Monday Yoga and Fitness comics . Sorry for the lack of other comics because of Chinese New Year and preparing for the charity yoga event at Yoga Inc. !

9 Important Lessons learnt on self-publishing in Singapore (Updated May 2015)

Do you know that I was rejected by American publishers, Japanese publishers, Taiwanese and even Singaporean publishers? Of course only 7-8 rejects is not a lot compared to 100 rejects from some diehard cartoonists. Even when I had 25K likes on Facebook back then, nobody had faith in me that my books, which were quite niche, would sell. Fortunately when I was about to give up, I was introduced to my lovely investor in the Singapore Makers community , who believed in my work. So we paid a publisher to self-publish because no other publishers would want to publish my work. There was one exception, however, with a Malaysian publisher who offered me a contract for the first time in my life! But the condition was that my captions had to be changed to "Malaysia" instead of Singapore... Because my journey had not been an easy one, I would like to share some of the things I learnt with other authors or artists who are thinking of doing self-publishing as well.

Mail service in different countries

I think Japan has the best postal service. I almost lost my parcel in Singapore when the post lady did not go up to my unit and left the non-delivery slip on the parcel itself. Because there was no notification in my mailbox nor doorstep, I continued to wait for 2 days at home until I thought it was strange and went online to check. Luckily I managed to check on the last day that I can collect my parcel before it was returned to sender. Fortunately the post lady at my parent's home was much better and even recognised a wrong address and delivered it correctly to us!

New Android app for Evacomics

Thanks to my brother, I finally have an android app that grabs content from both my blog and website so you can easily access all the latest comics, blog articles and news about my public events in one place!

Conservation of places with memories

I like the new malls but at the same time, there is a sense of nostalgia because there is not a place in Singapore that looks the same as 20 years ago. I think as we grow rich, we build and tear down things so fast without much thought as long as it is more practical and can earn more money... For people like us who had been away from Singapore for some time and come back again, we have this sense of loss as the things we grew so fondly and familiar of are now all gone.

Review of Yoga Inc.

As you can see from my recent comics , I had developed this yoga craze and been going to yoga classes every week. I am very happy that Yoga Inc. invited me over to give their classes a try. Their address is 100 Guillemard Road #01-08 Singapore 399718