
Follia Italian Restaurant Review

To my fans who love to eat like me, you are in luck! :P I was recently invited to dine at a fine casual Italian restaurant and was simply impressed by the great food and service, so here is my review with a surprise behind!

My Creative Process Talk at Extravaganza 2014, Scape

Thank you to all my fans who came down specially to hear me talk about my work, my journey and creative process last Sunday at Scape! And thank you to Extravaganza  committee for inviting me there!

Business Card etiquette in Japan

And you must look at it for at least 3-5 seconds...

Specific and Diffuse Culture

Based on Trompenaar's dimensions of culture: Specific and Diffuse Work and home relationship is separate VS work relationship extends beyond working hours. Previous cultural dimensions: Collectivist and Individualist Neutral and Emotional Universalist and Particularist

Weekday lunch time at restaurants

My Japanese friend had a surprise when he saw so many guys having their lunch at restaurants when we were dining at Orchard, a shopping district in Singapore. He was thinking, wow they don't have to work? Well... I guess all office workers in Japan eat bento (lunchbox) or company canteen food?

Evacomics Mini Exhibition at Sun Ray Cafe

You can now see a selection of my hand-drawn original comic pieces at Sun Ray Cafe (beside their pet cafe section) while chatting with friends and enjoying their nice cup of coffee!!!  You can also buy my book there for $19.90 (cash transaction only). 79 Brighton Crescent Serangoon Gardens Singapore 559218  Tel: 62838700 We have also raised $1,880 of donation through selling of my artwork at Sun Ray Cafe to the Singapore Cancer Society and A Packet of Rice. There are still 4 more paintings available for sale at $250~300 with 100% proceeds towards either of these two groups! More info about our Charity Sale here:

Gender Discrimination in Japan

Based on true story of what happened to me when I was in Japan. The final straw was when the editor who actually flipped my work let his pizza drip onto it and not wipe away! The biggest insult to an artist is to treat her work like trash, thanks old man, thanks... I'm pretty sure things would be different if I was a bright young Japanese man. But then again I don't regret being a Singaporean woman because we are strong.