
Gift-giving culture in Japan

There's always a lot to eat after each school vacation!

Things to do before leaving Japan

Terminating services and dying to pay them is never easy in Japan... but if you must leave, here is a detailed account of my experience: 1) Cancelling utilities (water, gas and electricity) They can come on your last day (only weekdays and half a Saturday) to tell you how much you owe them and pay cash on the spot. Otherwise you can also request them to deduct from your bank account if you had already setup automatic payment deduction. Gas will be stopped immediately but water and electricity will continue to run. ★Call 1-2 weeks ahead of time. 2) Selling off furniture Bulky trash, called "soudai gomi", is always troublesome to get rid off because you have to pay for their disposal. This includes bulky furniture and large futon. My friend's tip is to cut them up  or dismantle them into smaller pieces to reduce cost or free if you can squeeze into smaller bags. Alternatively, you can contact recycle shops like what I did to see if they can remove everything

Being frank

That's why I offended people when I first came to Japan  (lll  ̄∀ ̄)  

Cleaners as a job

Maybe because of the uniform and the company's effort to enhance their cleaners' image.

October 2013 Desktop Wallpaper for Download

With calendar:  320×480 ,  1024×768 ,  1280×800 ,  1280×1024 ,  1440×900 ,  1920×1080 ,  2560×1440 Without calendar:  320×480 ,  1024×768 ,  1280×800 ,  1280×1024 ,  1440×900 ,  1920×1080 ,  2560×1440 October's theme is "Sports Day in Japan". Sports day is held every October in Japan for kids in kindergarten to high school. And btw, I'm on Smashing Magazine again!

Some things are just international

Some things are international, even though it's dangerous. This is called 「あるきスマホ」in Japan, which means "walking smartphone". How about your country? これは世界的な共通点かなあ?

Some Japanese fashion for women

I learned that anything can become a fashion in Japan with neat hairstyle and makeup! (Sorry no more Chinese/Japanese versions)