
Dealing with the cold 抗冷對策

It has been ridiculously cold since January and my new apartment is 3-4 degrees colder than my previous dorm room. Interior temperatures hovered around 10-14 degree Celsius and turning on the heater means blowing up the electricity bills. Well, not to fear! Japanese always have clever ways to deal with such circumstances, such as this microwavable heat pack to warm up my cold feet while sleeping. Unfortunately, this failed to work at my new apartment so I was forced to buy something even more powerful... 自從一月開始,天氣就一直冷到現在!新房子比之前的爛宿舍冷了3-4度。室內溫度一直在10-14度之間,真是冷到沒話說。又不想一直開暖氣耗電。所以想繼續用之前買的保暖包。可是...還是冷到爆!!! 整晚無法入睡,結果敗給了寒冷,又開了暖氣睡覺了。 Yes, like this electric blanket is helping me to tide over these cold nights without blowing up my electricity bill! Made in Japan and bought at Rakuten for less than 1900yen. Now I can sleep in my warm blankets without blasting the heater. Feels good to save money again, good night everybody! 還好有網絡購物樂天!在上面買了一個便宜又不超過1900yen的電毛布,而且日本製喔!現在我都能舒舒服服在被窩裡一覺到天明,不用開暖氣

Goodbye Dorm, hello apartment!

After 22 months of perseverance and savings, I finally moved out of my dorm on 2nd Feb to stay in a studio apartment near my university! Here is the last photo and sequel to my crappy dorm series and a few photos on my new place :") 經過22個月的忍耐,我終於在2月2日搬離爛宿舍,到大學附近的一間小型公寓去了!呼~終於,我的 爛宿舍歷險記 得到了一個圓滿的結局。好不容易存到老本搬家,當然要住好一點!

Secret to great succes 成功的祕訣

Great success comes one step at a time with great perseverance. 中文版請點(更多)→

Happy Chinese New Year! 新年快樂!

Evacomics wishes all readers a wonderful and prosperous Dragon year ahead! 祝大家龍年行大運,萬事如意,龍馬精神,身體健康,富貴榮華!

[106] Chinese New Year Special

Hope you all like my special edition for the Chinese New Year! Too bad I'd have a financial accounting exam on that day but the thought of moving out soon from my crappy dorm cheers me up! 中文版請點(更多)→

Consumer Behavior Survey on Character Goods

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[105] Procrastination 拖拖拉拉

I don't know about you...but this happens to me all the time... 中文版請點(更多)→