
[105] Procrastination 拖拖拉拉

I don't know about you...but this happens to me all the time... 中文版請點(更多)→ 

Hello Kitty Custard Buns 只有貴婦才買得起的凱蒂貓包子

On sale only at Sunkus convenient stores in Japan! 150yen. 現在在日本的Sunkus便利店才有賣喔!

Snow at Kusatsu Hot Spring 草津溫泉

My friend from Singapore wanted to see falling snow but we had limited budget and don't ski. So the uncle from my university's tour agency recommended Kusatsu Onsen (Kusatsu hot spring) because it's a ski destination with other activities available and closest to Tokyo. Located in Gunma prefecture, there was high chances of snow because the place is located on a mountain. Coach ride (round trip 5000yen) takes around 3.5-4 hours depending on traffic conditions from Shinjuku. 來自新加坡的好友堅持要看正在下雪的雪景,但是我們的預算不高,也不滑雪。所以大學旅行社建議我們去 草津溫泉 。那裡除了能滑雪以外,還有其它活動或可以觀光的地方。而且距離新宿約3.5-4個小時的巴士車程(來回5000yen)。草津溫泉位於群馬縣。因為在半山腰,所以下雪的機率高。 With great luck, we were able to see snow on 30th Dec 2011 and beautiful snow flakes fell onto my coat! 不知道哪兒來的好運,竟然在12月30日看到下雪的美景。而且是一到那裡就開始下了!美麗的冰雹就掉在我的外套上。

[104] Memorized and forgotten 記得然後被遺忘的

We have a lot of time wasted on things that we had studied and memorized, but end up forgetting them. The frustrating thing is "remembering" and "forgetting" always comes as a pair. 中文版請點(更多)→ 

[103] Perception on Failure 失敗的看法

Inspired from Thomas Edison's famous quotes on failure. When asked by a reporter on how it feels to fail 1000 times. He replied that he had simply found 1000 ways that wouldn't lead to success. There are many variations to this and I'm not sure which is the exact words that he had said. But nevertheless, the message is clear, failures will eventually lead to success, don't give up. 中文版請點(更多)→ 

[102] Just can't get up 就是起不來

After some long break and fun, I found myself always stuck in bed, The only incentive to wake up before 10am is the hot water supply. My delicate skin requires lukewarm water so I'd have to break the magic spell by 10am. Damn. 中文版請點(更多)→

Japan New Year Sale and Lucky Bags 日本新年大減價和福袋

I wasn't around during last new year so I ordered my L'occitane lucky bag online. This year I decided to go to Mitsui Outlet and Shinjuku. 因為去年新年不在,所以上網買了法國護膚品 L'occitane的福袋 。今年難得沒回國,就去了三井的outlet和新宿逛。