
[022] Hopeless 無奈

I like the last panel so much that I'd made it into an individual frame: Do you think like that sometimes? 中文版請點(更多)→ 

[021] Customer Service 顧客服務

Do you like this series Goin NUTZ? Would you like to see more? What do you think about the dog? Should the dog be white? Does color make a difference? Do you think there should be less words? Should I talk less and draw more? Please let me know what you think! 中文版請點(更多)→

[020] End of the World 21st May 5月21日世界末日

So the supposed Judgement day insisted by Christian Family Radio's founder, Harold Camping had been proved wrong. They even put a big ad in my free copy of Wall Street Journal to publicize about their free book. I guess they succeeded in making the headlines. But like the wolf story, they lost all credibility. For the rest of us, life goes on as usual. I think it's important to enjoy life and do things that we‘ll not regret so even if tomorrow is the end of the world, we’re cool with it, right? 又一個世界末日的預言被証明是虛驚一場。那家美國基督教廣播公司還在我閱讀的華爾街日報上刊登世界末日和免費書籍的廣告,真是夠大膽。雖然成功的得到注目,但是有如狼來了的故事一樣,失去所有的信賴。對於我們來說,日子還是照樣過。我覺得人生短暫,最重要是享受人生和做一些不會讓自己後悔的事。所以即使明天是世界末日也就如此吧~?不後悔!

[019] Are Our Calls Really Important? 我們的電話真的重要嗎?

Obviously, my experience with CitiB**k's customer service had been pretty disappointing, but they're the only foreign bank with decent penetration in Japan. Unlike the automated call answering machines that many Singaporean companies adopt for their customer service, Japanese companies usually use real humans to pick up the calls! I was so surprised that I asked the other party if she was a robot... XD 中文版請點(更多)→

[018] Yes you can! 你可以的!

With sheer determination and hard work, can we really become whoever that we want to become?  中文版請點(更多)→

Eat at Shinagawa, Drink at Neko Cafe 吃在品川喝在貓咖啡

Facebook is amazing. I got to catch up with a high school friend whom we had never seen each other since graduation 14 years ago. The first place we reunited? Shinagawa station in Tokyo. The first restaurant we went? Wanofu, a traditional Japanese restaurant located right inside a shopping mall inside the station! She ordered the unagi-don set that cost 1500yen and I ordered the more expensive "flower" set that cost 3600yen, my most expensive splurge on meals on record in Japan! 臉書實在是太偉大了,我竟然能和闊別14年的高中同學敘舊,並約在東京的品川站見面。我們在站內的一間小型購物商場的日式餐廳Wanofu吃飯。她點了1500yen的鰻魚飯套餐,而我點了我在日本有史以來最貴的3600yen套餐!

[017] Avoiding Liability 推卸責任

Thanks everyone from "like"-ing my comic posts now! I'd been a bit busy this weekend so the updates had been a bit slower. 中文版請點(更多)→

[016] Spendthrift 亂花錢

Blogger was having some problems last week and it seems okay now. I suspect that it could be the new location widget that they put on our new post function that caused data corruption. Anyway, a few comments were lost so please leave your comments again~ P.S. After showing my comic strips to a new classmate, he was apparently more attracted to colored ones than B&W versions. So I guess from now on I'll do my best to color every single strip. Do you all prefer color as well? If you like any of the strip, please click the "Like" button on the top left to help me advertise in your Facebook, thank you very much and have a nice Sunday! 中文版請點(更多)→

[015] Japanese Marketing 日本促銷方法

I find that Japanese shops here (particularly skincare like Fancl and L'occitane) love to give out loads of promotion materials whenever I order something from their internet shops. It's interesting to go through all of them because I would found some interesting products that I'd missed out in their internet shop. But at the end of the day, all marketing material will end up in my recycle bin, all except for one piece of paper, that is the one with the discount code :P Would you A) Go ECO and insist that everything is delivered through email ...or prefer B) Receive hard copy promotional materials and magazines? 中文版請點(更多)→

[014] I hate Glossy 討厭光澤

I dislike to see the reflection of my ceiling lights or myself on the monitor so I'd always wished that iMac-s have the matte screen option. Unfortunately, even the MacMatte online petition doesn't work with only 1474 responses so far. I guess you'll need like 100,000 to even get Steve Jobs to think about it. What about you? Do you prefer matte or glossy? 中文版請點(更多)→