
Biggest earthquake of 8.8 magnitude with aftershocks still occuring

I was cooking nyonya curry when it began to shake and I was in dilemma whether to shut the lid and go hide immediately or hide then wait for it to disappear. I chose the 2nd option but the earthquake (Tokyo magnitude 5?) lasted damn long and the thought that we might end up like Christchurch flashed across my mind. I watched the live news afterward and witnessed the tsunami swallowing all the farms near the sea. My god... Till now there are still frequent after-shocks, hopefully nothing big happens Pray that our steel and concrete dormitory is okay. 我正在煮咖哩的時候就開始狂晃。不知道要先關我的電飯鍋還是先躲,結果還是先躲了。腦海有浮現紐西蘭的慘狀,不知道東京會不會也變成那樣,真恐怖。結果雖然搖了很久(東京5級?),不過似乎沒事。看新聞的時候目睹海嘯正在吞食稻田,實在恐怖....  現在仍然有很多餘震,希望不會有更大的>_< 希望我們的鐵筋水泥宿舍沒事。

[002] So Exciting! 真刺激!

I passed the non-degree MBA program but it was sure troublesome, because I was their first exceptional case. Contrary to the general perception that Japan is an innovative country, I find that if you're different, or if that you're the first exceptional case that the system has ever accounted, you'll have to do a lot of paperwork and negotiation to allow the system to accommodate you. 中文版請點(更多)→

[001] To Be Famous like Apple

Finally I have ample time to draw! Though I'm still moody from the interview... Not because that I think I'm not good enough, but because of why did I chose such a XXX university!?!? The results will be out tomorrow and hopefully I'll pass so that I can start learning new things. Otherwise, I would have to either register in some Japanese school again or seek permission to return home for summer due to my expiring student visa. Back to my comics: It's been such a long time since I last drawn any on my blog. I'm not sure what this series is about actually. I'm not even sure if it's funny or interesting enough. Oh heck, I'm not even sure about the title! Maybe I should name it "Going Nuts", "Smarty Dog", "Smarty Eva", "Smarty Pants", "Eva Diva" or just "Evacomics". Any suggestions? Maybe I'll draw more and see. "Going Nuts" sounds pretty suitable to my current situation.

Think many times before coming to Japan for studies!

來日本唸書的話,要想得清清楚楚後才來!(中文版在下) I went for an interview for Waseda's non-degree program last Saturday and it went on like this: Professor A: We understand that you'd already passed the entrance for our MBA program, which will start in September. So why are you applying for this non-degree program, which starts in April? Me: I'll be graduating from my Japanese school this month (Mar) and the new MBA will only start in September, so I would like to take some classes during this 5 months period. Moreover, as you know, I come from Art and Design background, so I would like to take some classes first as warm up into the business area. Professor A: (sarcastic laugh) warm up...? ... Professor B: Well, that's your own personal problem, our program is not for people like you . Me: (shocked and disgusted) But I would like to take as many classes as possible... ...

Kyushu 11: Kyushu Hotel & hot spring 九州旅館和溫泉

At last! The final installment to my (not so popular) Kyushu series! I shall end it with food and hot spring in the Kyushu Hotel, my favorite part from the entire budget trip. 終於要結束我(不是很受歡迎的)九州系列!整個行程中最喜歡的就是九州旅館的食物和溫泉了!

My current key word: Frugality 節儉是美德

(Cont. Rental Nightmare in Tokyo ) After my battle with the evil property agent and management company, my dormitory staff recommended me to extend my stay here and then look for apartments/mansions slowly. This is much better than paying a huge sum upfront (4 months rent) for an apartment that I didn't get to see and with the fishy management company not returning any deposit. So instead of sayonara to 270,000yen (SG$4,2000) for a place I didn't get to view, it is better to spend a bit more, but to a place that I could actually see first. I accepted her kind offer and turned down my contract with the fishy property management company. This whole experience had made me realize one thing: that I hadn't been frugal enough. I'd been spending money too mindlessly and not saving enough for rainy days. More importantly, I'd underestimated the cost of renting a Tokyo mansion (concrete-built apartment in Japanese term) near my university within the great ring of fire

Kyushu 10: Japan and WW2

Ok, I assure you that this is towards the end of my Kyushu series. We visited the Peace Park in Nagasaki that commemorated its atomic bombing on the 9th Aug, 1945. The government had erected numerous monuments to offer the souls of the dead clean water that they had so desired during their last moments. 這是接近我的九州之行的尾聲。 我們在長崎參觀了紀念1945年8月9日,原子彈投下的和平公園。日本政府到處設立有乾淨水源的紀念碑,為了就是要給生前渴望水喝的死者。(中文版在下)