
Danjiri Matsuri in Shinjuku

Due to cost-cutting measures, I decided to walk all the way from my dorm to Shinjuku station to meet my friend. This would save me 130yen instead of taking a train and getting 35mins worth of walking exercise. This is equivalent to a plate of Kaiten (conveyor belt) sushi! And oh, I get to see the Danjiri Matsuri (Japanese: Festival) at the West exit of Shinjuku station as well! 因為要節省開支,所以我決定從宿舍一直走到新宿見朋友。 這讓我省下了130yen的電車費和得到35分鐘的運動,相等于一盤旋轉壽司店的壽司! 而且在新宿西口巧遇日本的Danjiri祭!

Trying to get a good night's sleep 如何順利入眠

Well for some time, I'd found it rather hard to get into sleep, so I asked the know-all Google on any holy advises. Here are some of its recommendations: Drink milk. Take a hot shower before sleeping. Use the bed only for sleeping. (except for those things which couples would do) Dim the lights to prepare your body for sleeping. Sleep at your regular time, even during weekends. Read a boring book. Do something boring until you're tired enough, then sleep. I don't like to drink milk and don't like to shower late, so I picked tip #6: Read a boring book. Now I know when to study my Japanese! P.S. IT WORKED!!! 有一段時間一直很難入睡,所以請教一下萬能的Google。以下是一些提議: 喝奶。 睡之前洗熱澡。 只有睡覺時才上床,不要躺在床上看電視或唸書。 把燈光調暗,讓身體意識要準備睡覺了。 即使在週末也要按照平時的時間睡覺。 讀一本很無聊的書。 做很無聊的事,直到很累才睡覺。 因為我不喜歡喝奶和晚洗澡,所以我選第6項:讀一本很無聊的書。現在我知道要幾點唸日語了! P.S. 這方法果然有效!

New JLPT 2010 Results 日本語能力試驗成績

I passed my Japanese Language Proficiency Test level 2 again!!! This time with higher rate than my just previous passing score of 240/400 taken 9 years ago. Everyone, including the teachers, thought that it was rather easy to pass this year's level 2 examination based on the higher passing rate than previous years. Looking at my results slip, grade B is actually between 34~66%. What this means is even if you failed your grammar, you can still receive a grade B. Strange isn't it? Moreover, they did not reveal the passing mark so no one knew exactly where the line was drawn. It was rumored that if you scored more than 19/60 for example, in Listening Comprehension, you could still pass, provided that the overall score was decent. For those of us who had taken the 5500yen test in Japan, we need to pay an additional 1000yen if we want to receive the A4 size certificate. I'll think about forking out that cash if I pass N1. 我又2級合格了!!! 這次的比率比9年前的240/400還高:P 因為今年獲得合格的學生比往年多,所

Nagano Tour w whole school Day3 全校長野旅行第三天

This is what we eat every morning, buffet! :PPPP 這是我們每天的吃到飽!*開心 :P

Nagano Tour w whole school Day2 全校長野旅行第二天

Some of us visited the Cheese research center. What they do is to research on what kind of cheese that Japanese like. Based on their findings, Japanese typically like cheese which has 1)No strong fermented smell, 2)Not sticky, 3)White color. Although they were told by Europeans that their cheese is really bad, but they don't mind because Japanese likes it. 我們有些去參觀起司研究所。他們專門研究迎合日本人口味的起司。根據他們的研究結果,發現日本覺得好吃的起司是:1)沒有強烈的發酵味道,2)不黏牙,3)白色。即使歐洲人覺得他們的起司不好吃,他們還是覺得只要日本人喜歡就沒關係。

Nagano Tour w whole school Day1 全校長野旅行第一天

First day's lunch. 第一天的午餐。

Thank you gift for hostfamily 給住宿家庭的感謝


Nasukashi Volunteer Service Day 1-5


Shizuoka Homestay Day 2~5


Shizuoka Homestay Day 1 靜岡縣第一天

This is my first bento meal bought from the station and eaten inside the Shinkansen. To tell you the truth, the packaging was gorgeous but the taste so. 這是我在新幹線車站買的便當。老實說,包裝是很漂亮,但是味道不怎麼樣!