Comics: Fate, Luck and Feng Shui

Have you heard of this verse before on what to do to improve your life? Full verse (4th pointer onwards were added by many different people over the years 🙄): 一命二运三风水 1. Destiny 2. Luck 3. Fengshui (environment) 四积阴德五读书 4. Discreet Good Deeds 5. Education 六名七相八敬神 6. Name 7. Physiognomy 8. Respect Gods 九交贵人十养生 9. Connect with Noblemen 10. Maintain Good Health 十一择业与择偶 11. Select Career and Choose Partner 十二趋吉及避凶 12. Seek Luck and Avoid Calamity 十三逢苦要无怨 13. No complaining of hardship 十四不固执善恶 14. Not stubborn about right or wrong 十五荣光因缘来 15. You reap what you sow