Comics: Copyrights 101

I did this comic because of the recent incident that my artwork was used by the Malaysian government for their mask distribution without my knowledge nor credit: Photo credit: Sky Loo A closer look: Photo credit: Sky Loo Here is my original artwork posted on my social media channels in Feb: There were 2 versions, this was the first version with my eyes open. The second expanded version had my eyes closed to look sick: As it was posted with another instructional comic, so I did not sign this particular page. Because the comic was used for a good cause and given away for free with the masks to protect people from the virus, so I accepted the apology from APM, the department in-charge of the infographics, that they did not know who drew it. However I would like to emphasize that it doesn't mean you can happily take anything from the internet to redistribute it without permission from the copyright owner,...