Ganbare Higashi Nippon!!! 加油日本

My Japanese scholarship association decided to include the theme of "Ganbare Higashi Nippon!" into our quarterly newsletter to motivate fellow Japanese to overcome this series of disasters. Instead of writing messages, I chose to drew up this poster in hope that it will "ganbare" (cheer up) the people in eastern Japan in a more visual way and impact. Although I didn't quite enjoy my stay in Japan, I'm still very keen to research on Japanese indie comic artists in Tokyo. I pray that Japan will recover soon from her unfortunate earthquakes, tsunami and nuclear disasters, and hope that the people of Japan will be able to stand united and strong to restore their nation to her former glory. 我的日本獎學金集團打算在電子刊物中為在東日本避難的日本人打氣。與其寫一些字,我選擇了畫一張小海報來為日本人打氣。雖然我在日本過得不怎麼樣,但是我還是非常希望回東京研究日本自費出版的漫畫家。我希望日本能早日從不幸的地震,海嘯和核能洩漏災害中回覆,並重建往日的風采。