
[063] Humans are born to sleep 人生出來就是要睡覺的!

Can't help but feel sleepy all the time! 中文版請點(更多)→  

[062] How to end a conversation with a Japanese 如何於日本人結束聊天

I had to attend many events that has interaction with Japanese. I found that pretty often after introducing my country and the languages I speak, the Japanese usually express their awe, followed by an awkward beat of silence. Yes, I had found the best way to end a conversation with a Japanese! 中文版請點(更多)→ 

[061] Chewing Improves Your Memory! 咀嚼多次可讓記憶力進步!

I watched a Japanese health variety show some time ago and it was about the miracle benefits of chewing many times! If you chew more than 30 times per bite, it'll not just make you fuller, but also improves your memory and prevents cancer! Then the show presented this case study of a bedridden near-senile old man, who suddenly became alert and was walking around, after only undergoing a few months of "biting" therapy. Amazing!!! 中文版請點(更多)→ 

Singapore Mooncakes 新加坡月餅

In 5 days time, we will be celebrating our Mid Autumn Festival, a much celebrated festival by the Chinese. It is the 8th month 15th day on the lunar calendar when the moon is at its roundest form. Thousands of years had passed, but our lunar calendar never fails to nail down the date for the roundest moon. On this day, families come together, much like Chinese New Year, to eat mooncakes and admire the bright moon. It is also a custom to give mooncakes between relatives or business associates to wish them have a happy reunion with their families. Mooncakes are traditionally baked with lotus paste filling and sometimes with yolk. These are usually favored by the older generation. However for younger people like me, snowskin mooncakes are appealing too, such as the ones shown above. 再過5天就慶中秋了!以前的天文學家真是厲害,千年後的農曆還是能準確算出月亮最圓的日子。

[060] NASA's Last Mission: Mid-Autumn Festival NASA最後的出發:中秋特輯

I liked Astronomy when I was a kid. Too bad NASA will not be getting money to fly anymore. Meanwhile, it's our Chinese Mid Autumn Festival! I'll talk about more in my next post! 中文版請點(更多)→ 

[059] The World is Unfair 世界是不公平的

If you're pretty or handsome, you can get away with a lot of things. 中文版請點(更多)→

Shopping Strategy at Borders Clearance Sale

Just returned from the Borders Sale at Expo with 50% discount off all books. The original price tag was way too expensive, no wonder they're going out of business in Singapore. In fact, you might find some paperback version cheaper in Amazon than the 50% discounted hardcover versions found there. I arrived at 11am and spent 1.5 hours browsing and selecting my books. By the time I join the queue, it was already incredibly long and I had to drag my basket of books for 2.5 hours before reaching a cashier. When I was done, it was already 3pm, too tired and famished to "cheong" (battle) the John Little Sale at Hall 3. Here are some shopping strategies to share when you go to a "clearance" sale: Just grab the things that you're interested in, if you're having a hard decision, just grab and go. By the time you're done scavenging, the queue would have been really long. So if you're going with a friend or family member, a good strategy is to have

My New Samsung Netbook NP-NC110

Introducing my brand new netbook bought from the COMEX IT fair at Suntec City, Singapore. Yes, I'd been saving up for a netbook so that I won't have to carry my 2.5kg MCP to school everyday! 今天買了一台小型筆記電腦!因為不想每天帶我的2.5kg重的蘋果電腦去學校,所以存了幾個月買的。

[058] The Perfect Girl 完美女孩

Well let's face it, men can never understand women and women can never understand men. No use wasting money on those books that teach you how to read each other's mind. You might as well use that cash on better things, like making the world a better place. You can start by donating to this poor artist :P 中文版請點(更多)→

[057] The Perfect Guy 完美男生

If there's any rich and handsome guy, 100% chances are that he's already taken! 中文版請點(更多)→

[056] Never ask the Waiter if the food is good or not 不要不要問侍應生食物好不好吃

Never ask the waiter if the food in the menu is good or not, it's common sense! 中文版請點(更多)→

[055] Shit and Food is a fine line away 食於屎乃是一線之差

Many Japanese restaurants are very small. Their toilets are right next to the tables. So when you're inside doing any kind of business, you have a feeling of proximity with the people eating right outside the door. How do I know? I was in Rolex's position :P 中文版請點(更多)→

[054] Unsuccessful Attempt 說服失敗

I find that food always look better at the other side... 中文版請點(更多)→

[053] Life is like a...

Life is like talking on the phone... either you hang up first, or I hang up first. The longer the call, the more expensive it gets! 中文版請點(更多)→

[052] Policy making 政策

Not naming any particular government, it is who you think it is. 中文版請點(更多)→

[051] A Jinx! 掃把星!


Singapore National Day 2011 新加坡國慶日

My university from Japan is holding a short intensive course in Singapore so we had a gathering dinner on National Day at Al Dente, Esplanade. As you can see, the location was really close to the parade! 日本的大學在新加坡辦一個短期暑假課程,所以我們在濱海灣藝術中心的Al Dente聚集用餐。從照片中可以看得出,我們離慶典相當近呢!

[050] Bullish Gold prices 牛市黄金价格

With the gold prices going up, I wish that I had bought some gold when I had money instead of splurging them away! 中文版請點(更多)→

Introduction to Characters 人物介紹

Eva(伊娃/富貴娃) A Singaporean comic artist studying MBA (Masters in Business Administration) in Japan with a jackpot scholarship. Aims to formulate profitable business model for Singapore comic artists. Unfortunately she has fatal weakness for sale and freebies so there is hardly  any saving each month. Dislikes people to call her "Auntie". 伊娃因為某機緣巧合,得到了獎學金去日本唸書。她希望可以念工商管理課程來為新加坡漫畫家開拓商業希望。可惜她的致命傷是大減價和免費贈品,所以每月都無法存到錢。她最討厭人家叫她“歐巴桑”,最喜歡人家叫她貴婦。 Kopi(-) He is Eva's (imaginary) pet dog with a good eye on stocks and investments. Both smart and sarcastic, he is impatient with idiots like Eva. Favorite drink is coffee. Kopi是伊娃的愛犬(虛幻)。既聪明,敏銳又会讽刺主人的他,是一名很会買賣股票和投資的高手。他唯一的弱点是受不了像白痴的主人。最喜歡喝咖啡。 Joanne(贵妇娇安) She is Eva's neighbor, a shopaholic that is into luxury brands like Chanel and Hermes. As a professional model when younger, she has the hourglass figure which Eva admires. Aspires to marry a rich g

[049] Happy Birthday Singapore! 新加坡生日快樂!

Singapore will be having her 46th Birthday on 9th August 2011. Happy National Day! 中文版請點(更多)→

[048] Woman's Nature 女人的天性

Women love shopping, I don't know any girl that doesn't. Even my mum who doesn't shop for new clothes becomes extremely generous during groceries sale~ 中文版請點(更多)→

[047] Technology 高科技

The power of Facebook and technology~ 中文版請點(更多)→

[046] Jealousy 妒忌

#046 Thank you everyone for your precious frank feedback! Things that I'd gathered from various interviews include... 感谢大家诚恳的回复!搜集到的意见包括... 1) Need a character intro page 需要人物介绍首页 2) Characters have to be more exaggerated "inside" and outside (expressions) 人物必须性格夸张,表情也得更夸张 Make some little outrageous remarks and poke fun at things,not everything in our daily life is pleasant.We sometimes act or behave in ways that we don't others to know ~ we would crack up if we read them in comics. E.g. Sitting on a toilet reading newspaper with one hand scratching the lower back just right above the buttocks. 3) Characters need to appear at specific places so we know where they belong and a sense of overall continuity 人物必须在特定的某地方一直出现,这样有助与理解人物和总连贯性 4) There should be more conflicts/problems that the characters are facing so we are curious to read on. 假如有更多冲突或问题,比较会产生兴趣继续阅读 5) We want to know the character's purpose/mission.

[045] How to treat Knee Injury 如何治療撞傷的膝蓋


[044] So what if you know the future? 知道未來又怎麼樣?

I was told by my "fortune teller" friend that I would have accidents this year, but still, they cannot be avoided... So do you still want to know about your future? 中文版請點(更多)→

[043] How to exercise regularly 如何常運動

I hope that my wallet will get fat soon so that I can exercise together with it $$$ 中文版請點(更多)→

[042] New neighbor Joanne 2

My wardrobe now is so different from when I was working... 中文版請點(更多)→

[041] New neighbor Joanne 新鄰居喬安

The name "Rolex" was voted by 9 readers on my Facebook poll to be the best for my dog, with runner ups "Darwin" and "Adam". I missed my previous character image of a "guifu" (rich lady), so to make my new comics a bit more drama-mama, I'd introduced back my friend Joanne as my new slim neighbor :P 中文版請點(更多)→

[040] If you have egocentric boss 如果碰到自大的老闆

 Got this inspiration in a leadership class.  中文版請點(更多)→

[039] Action is important 行動才最重要

Many times we think about what we want to do but always delay our plans till the very last minute. In Japanese politics for example, the reconstruction minister was forced to quit before commencing anything. All he did was some lecturing and no other concrete actions. Hence, it's important to execute our plans, otherwise it'll always remain as a thought. And this is... just my thought :P 中文版請點(更多)→

[038] Don't want to be like Van Gogh 不想成為梵高

Image please support my comics~~~! 中文版請點(更多)→

Bearing with it 忍耐

(continued from previous comic strip) Many people know that I really dislike my dorm because it's dirty. When I told them that I'd extended my stay for another year because it's cheap, the usual reaction that I got was that, " you must have gotten used to it by now right?"...  ... (續上回漫畫) 很多人都知道我很討厭骯髒的宿舍。當我說因為房租便宜所以延長一年時,大家的反應都是:“喔...所以應該已經習慣了吧?”... ...  YAH RIGHT!? How can anyone "get used" to filthiness? It's simply a test of endurance. I will NEVER get used to this kind of unhygienic living condition! -case closed!- 幹!怎麼可能會習慣髒兮兮的環境啊!?這當然只是在考驗個人的忍耐力! 我絕對不會習慣骯髒的住宿環境的! -閉案!-

[037] Bearing with it 忍耐

I'll show you my background story in the next post. 中文版請點(更多)→

[036] Would you work with idiots? 寧願和白癡合作嗎?

Sigh... teamwork, especially with people without the same chemistry and dedication... 中文版請點(更多)→

Setsuden under the Summer heat 炎熱中的節電

With temperatures rising high from today onwards towards the peak of summer, the government is starting to advise people to be careful of heatstroke while in "setsuden" (cutting excessive electricity usage). In fact, hundreds throughout Japan die from heatstroke each year, most of them being elderly folks left accidentally behind in cars or suffocated in their own rooms while sleeping without air conditioning. 氣溫突然從今天起上升了!日本政府也開始呼籲民眾在節電的當兒,要小心中暑。因為每年夏季,日本全國上下都會有約幾百人死於中暑。死者大多數是老年人。死因通常是因為他們被遺忘在車內,或晚上睡覺時是閉著窗也沒開冷氣。 I'm often asked to choose between Tokyo and Singapore, which has the more unbearable heat? Japanese believe that Singapore should be much worse and uncomfortable because we're sitting just next to the equator. True, Singapore is hot and humid throughout the year but there're some things that we have but they don't: 1)Fully air-conditioned Train Stations (and some bus interchanges), 2)Sheltered Walkways, 3)Air-conditioned Shopping Malls and 4)Freez

Are Japanese canned pork really tasty? 日本罐頭豬肉真的好吃嗎?

One of the reader's comment from my previous comic said that Japanese canned food should taste relatively good so I opened one of my "emergency" food reserve to try out. This 798yen (SG$12, NT$286, US$10) expensive "premium pork" from a specific batch of black pigs in a certain unknown region, should taste superbly tasty with this expensive price right? 讀者小卓在 之前的漫畫 留言裡說道,日本罐罐頭食品的味道應該不錯吧?所以我開了一罐緊急糧食試試看。從某縣生產的“高級黑豬”三層肉的味道應該相當不錯吧?而且價錢是798yen (SG$12, NT$286, US$10),這麼貴,應該很美味吧? To my disappointment, the taste was plain NORMAL . (=_=) So much for the expensive price and nice packaging...#@&% 可惜,味道 極為普通 (=_=) 再次被高價和包裝給騙了...#@&%

[035] Tonight's Dinner 今晚的晚餐

I wonder why I didn't drew instant ramen instead, maybe because I still prefer the good old canned food and vegetables? In fact, I hadn't eaten instant noodles for a year, healthy right? I always eat very good food at the beginning of the month, with meals sometimes at the 2000-3000yen range. But towards the end of the month, my principle is to only eat outside meals that cost less than 500yen each. With that said, I'm glad that this month will be soon over! 中文版請點(更多)→

[034] It's all in the mind 都靠想像力

Sorry for the late update! I was slightly sick after a Sunday event helping out at the Singapore booth. I'd almost recovered now and hopefully will get back to good health over the weekend and catch up with other projects and comic drawing, see you! 中文版請點(更多)→

[033] If only my crystal ball works 假如水晶球是真的話

Some say that you can only play the stock market if you have a crystal ball that can tell you the future. Well I'd say... if only my crystal ball works... 中文版請點(更多)→

[032] A Penny a day goes a long way 積少成多


Japan Good Design: Food wrappings 日本的零食包裝

Yes, I LOVE SNACKS! Sweet stuff too, but not those that're incredibly sweet. I'm a great fan of their cookies because they not only look good, but tastes good too! What amazed me was that almost every snack that they have are individually wrapped and easy to open. This is convenient for those like me who stay alone or wants to control their diet by not eating too many cookies at once. 好喜歡日本的零食!也喜歡不是特別甜的那種甜點。日本的餅乾不僅好看,而且很好吃!最令我佩服的是,他們的零食很多都是個別包裝,也很容易撕開。這對像我一樣自己一個人住的人來說,不僅方便,而且也可以控制食糧!

[031] Home Sweet Home 還是家最好

When I went to study arts in USA 7 years ago, I'd thought of not returning to Singapore after graduation. That's because I see no attractive job opportunities for the local digital media industry so it was much better to stay in the states to look for a job and gain experience there. Why I eventually returned was due to a trainee offer from EDB (Economic Development Board of Singapore) to work at a 3D animation company in Japan. However I changed my objective and wanted to do comics instead, so I went to teaching, with a good salary (compared with the rest of the industry) and not a lot of overtime work. I drew comics every night and weekend and uploaded them on my Taiwanese blog. But again, I see no light since no Taiwanese publisher will work with an average Singaporean comic blogger. So I figured that I should try to make a holy grail to the land of manga, Japan, to learn what they did right. I applied to scholarships and finally got it on my 3rd attempt. Everyone was sk

[030] When you know to cut your hair 如何知道幾時剪髮

Based on a true story, there was this girl in the dorm who got so freaked out by my sudden appearance at the doorway that she kept on staring at me with her eyeballs almost falling out. So I decided to go and cut my hair today at Takadanobaba near my university. The result was nice at first, but immediately after shower, the shape and style was gone... sob... ... (Hair cut 2000yen, treatment and product 8000yen, not worth it if not for the brief neck and shoulder massage) 中文版請點(更多)→