[061] Chewing Improves Your Memory! 咀嚼多次可讓記憶力進步!

I watched a Japanese health variety show some time ago and it was about the miracle benefits of chewing many times! If you chew more than 30 times per bite, it'll not just make you fuller, but also improves your memory and prevents cancer! Then the show presented this case study of a bedridden near-senile old man, who suddenly became alert and was walking around, after only undergoing a few months of "biting" therapy. Amazing!!!

在日本看了一部關於保健的節目。節目說“一口咀嚼超過30次的話,不止會讓你感覺更飽,而且還能抗癌和增強記憶”!!! 節目中還訪問了一名病臥在床的老人。經過一段時期的“咀嚼療程”之後,竟然奇蹟般地康復了,多神啊!!!


  1. 我是用看嚼完三十下後 食物咀嚼的感覺來做判斷 後來就沒計算了...不過太餓的時候還是狂塞XD

  2. 小卓:哈哈!我也是!我以前是出名的咬慢慢又多多的人。但是因為越來越忙,再加上朋友每次都比我先吃完,造成我也咬得越來越快...所以記憶現在不好了...嗚~~~

  3. 同病相憐...............嗚嗚

  4. Isao: 別傷心,還有的救!讓我們一起多多咀嚼食物吧!!!


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