
Showing posts with the label dormitory in tokyo

Goodbye Dorm, hello apartment!

After 22 months of perseverance and savings, I finally moved out of my dorm on 2nd Feb to stay in a studio apartment near my university! Here is the last photo and sequel to my crappy dorm series and a few photos on my new place :") 經過22個月的忍耐,我終於在2月2日搬離爛宿舍,到大學附近的一間小型公寓去了!呼~終於,我的 爛宿舍歷險記 得到了一個圓滿的結局。好不容易存到老本搬家,當然要住好一點!

Back to my Crappy Dorm with new company 和不速之客一起回到爛宿舍

After 1.5 months of lovely summer vacation back home, I'm now back in my crappy small Tokyo dorm that is slightly less than 9sqm, roughly the size of 3 super single beds. I tried to take a shot that shows everything, but it was too embarrassing to reveal all the ugly hooks and what not. What I can tell you is that besides those shown in the photo, there's a bookshelf, wardrobe, laundry basket, small TV, fridge, microwave oven and a shoe rack/shelf. I can't imagine that I'd managed to stay here for 18 months already! You can check out my old complains from the very moment I stepped in last year! 回家過了美麗的1個月半暑假後,又回到了爛東京宿舍。宿舍面積少過9平方米,大概有3張超級單人床那麼大吧?我試過把全部都拍下來,但是因為實在是太醜了,所以就透露一半就好了。除了照片中的物件以外,還有書櫃,衣櫃,洗衣籃,小電視,冰箱,微波爐和一個鞋櫃。真無法想像我已經在這簡陋小房間待了18個月了!要回顧我去年一搬進來就開始狂投訴的記錄, 請點這裡 XD   ...and great... while doing laundry I found these insect eggs sticking onto my net. ...正想晾乾衣服時,竟然發現有昆蟲蛋在我的網上! Wonderful... guess which insect is this? 幹....到底是何方神聖?

Bearing with it 忍耐

(continued from previous comic strip) Many people know that I really dislike my dorm because it's dirty. When I told them that I'd extended my stay for another year because it's cheap, the usual reaction that I got was that, " you must have gotten used to it by now right?"...  ... (續上回漫畫) 很多人都知道我很討厭骯髒的宿舍。當我說因為房租便宜所以延長一年時,大家的反應都是:“喔...所以應該已經習慣了吧?”... ...  YAH RIGHT!? How can anyone "get used" to filthiness? It's simply a test of endurance. I will NEVER get used to this kind of unhygienic living condition! -case closed!- 幹!怎麼可能會習慣髒兮兮的環境啊!?這當然只是在考驗個人的忍耐力! 我絕對不會習慣骯髒的住宿環境的! -閉案!-

Defenses Breached 5 (cockroaches) 小強入侵

Ever since my neighbor opposite moved out, her cockroaches had  been forced to look for new havens, such as my room. When times were good, I could kill 12 a day, but when business was bad like yesterday, I could only kill 2 (all nymphs). Ever since their emergence, I'd wrapped up all leftover food and cleared my trash almost everyday, but still they came, hungry and looking for food and water. I complained to the dormitory office and was given 3 traps to lure them to their death. Unfortunately, most of the roaches were smart enough to not get their feet stuck onto the sticky tape and crawled out thinking "which dumbass could have laid this ancient trap". Hence, I returned to the most effective way of smashing them with papers. 自從對面的鄰居搬走以後,她的蟑螂只好轉移基地到附近的房間,也就是我的房間。生意好的時候,殺個12隻是絕對沒有問題的。但是生意淡的時候,像昨天那樣的話,只能殺個2隻而已。因此,自從被這些“強者”侵略以後,我便開始把所有的食物包好,也幾乎天天丟垃圾。但是,他們還是不斷的湧出,所以只好投訴給管理員。投訴後,她給了我3個陷阱。可是那些聰明的蟑螂爬進陷阱後,都不願把腳踩在膠帶上... 它們心理一定在想...會是哪兒一個笨蛋用那麼古老的方法啊...唉~所以,我只好用最有效的方法-用紙去狠狠地捏死它...

Stinky Dorm 2 髒寮

You may have remembered when I just moved into my international dorm , it was shockingly dirty. Then, there were the dirty sinks . But what I didn't mention earlier, was that either 1 or 2 girls in my floor, out of nearly 30 tenants, has been constantly dirtying the toilets by leaving her sh*t and urine around the toilet bowl! 你們可能記得當我 剛搬進這國際宿舍 時,有多麼的骯髒吧?結果, 洗手盆也是髒髒的 。不過我沒提到的是,連廁所也是髒的!在我這樓近30名住戶中,可能有一兩位一直把她們的尿和屎留在馬桶周圍,噁心死了! I am particular about hygiene and this drives me insane. Complains to the admin office proved futile, so I finally resorted to draw a poster in hope to attract the culprit's attention into changing her inconsiderate habits. 因為我少許潔癖,所以這點常讓我抓狂。去事務所投訴也沒用,所以最後畫了一張海報貼在廁所外面,希望犯人改掉她的壞習慣。 Even with numerous posters pasted inside the cubicles, the culprit had ignored them. I am not sure if my poster would work, but I'd done my best. I hope all tenants be trained into keeping public places clean! 可惜,即使廁所裡面貼滿了如何正確使用的告示,犯人還是無動於衷。因此我不確定我的海報會不會有效,但是我已經盡力而為了...

Stinky dorm 髒寮

If you think that girls keep their places clean and tidy all the time, you are wrong! In fact in our international dormitory , kitchens and wash basins at the girls' floor are even more dirty than the guys'. Besides lacking in hygiene, some lack common sense as well. Eggs, curry, mushrooms, vegetables, rice, seeds, and even plastic wrappers are some typical recipe to our dirty sink mixed dish. Even the filter inside the kitchen sink was never emptied by the culprits themselves, causing the sink to be clogged all the time. 假如你認為女生都一定保持場所乾淨又整潔的話,你就大錯特錯了!特別是在我們的 國際宿舍 裡,女生的廚房和洗面所竟然比男生的髒!有些女生除了沒有清潔意識之外,還缺乏基本常識。倒入水盆裡的雜物包括煎蛋,咖哩,香菇,菜,飯,種子,甚至連塑膠包裝都不放過!水盆裡的過濾網也都完全沒清理,導致水盆常常堵塞。

Defenses breached 3 (入侵3)

While washing my hands at the far,far away washing room, I spotted this apparently dead cicada on the floor. The length seemed to be approximately 6cm from head to wing. By far, its the biggest insect which I'd ever seen, apart from dead specimens..  Suddenly it twitched... 當我在遙遠的洗面所洗手時,發現這隻似乎已經死掉的蟬。長度約6cm。 除了標本以外,這是我有史以來,看過最大的昆蟲! 可是它突然掙扎了一下...

Defenses breached 2 (入侵2)

This time a worm had breached my wooden wardrobe or it was forced to evacuate because I'd put charcoal and insect repellents inside. So far I did not find any on my clothes taken out from the wardrobe. So if you think my life in Japan is dreamy and wonderful, think again!!! P.S. I'm experimenting with a new innovative way to alternate posts with good food and insects posts. 最近在衣櫃外面抓到了這種毛毛蟲。不知道是不是我在衣櫃裡放了驅蟲器和竹炭,把它熏出來了還是它本來就在外面徘徊了。 不過還好目前為止還沒從衣櫃裡拿出來的衣服上找到任何毛毛蟲。看來我的日本生活除了每天挑戰日語,還加上了與大自然的對抗...

Defenses breached 入侵

Yesterday's temperature suddenly shot up to nearly 30 deg so all insects which were on hibernation finally came out to party. Despite of my room being equipped with a natural insect repellent gel, I still caught nearly 30 mosquitoes using my sticky tape! The battle with insects never ends. 昨天的氣溫突然射到30度,所以很多冬眠的昆蟲都出來party了。雖然我的房間放了一罐天然驅蟲膠凝體,但是還是有很多蚊子入侵我的房間。看來我與昆蟲之戰是沒完沒了的。

Dormitory in Shinjuku, Tokyo 東京宿舍

This was what I saw when I arrive at my Shinjuku school dormitory on 1st April. It was really small at 9 sq metres, equipped with only a bed, study table, chair, side table and wardrobe/shelf. TV and fridge was passed down from seniors who had graduated. 這是我4月1日進入新宿宿舍時看到的情況。 面積只有9sq m,設備只有床,桌子,椅子,旁桌和衣櫃兼書櫃。電視和冰箱都是之前畢業的前輩留下的。