[014] I hate Glossy 討厭光澤

I dislike to see the reflection of my ceiling lights or myself on the monitor so I'd always wished that iMac-s have the matte screen option. Unfortunately, even the MacMatte online petition doesn't work with only 1474 responses so far. I guess you'll need like 100,000 to even get Steve Jobs to think about it. What about you? Do you prefer matte or glossy?

我不喜歡在銀幕上看到燈光和自己的影子,所以很希望iMac會推出非光澤的選擇。很遺憾的,只收到1474簽名的網上MacMatte的願書也不管用。看來要Steve Jobs考慮的話,至少要收集100,000個簽名吧?那你們呢?喜歡光澤還是非光澤銀幕?


  1. 沒光澤的~~

  2. Their macbook, I think pro, have the matte option.

  3. 小卓:耶!^5

    Parka: Yeah they do, I have the macbook pro with matte screen but I want an upgrade to the mouth-watering imac...better specs, bigger screen ...

  4. 小卓:對啊,自己太帥太美了,所以很容易分心~~~

  5. The problem is apathy. For the large number of people that grumble about a problem, only around 1-2% of people will actually take the step of doing something about it, e.g. sign a petition. That probably goes for the MacMatte petition too. Thanks for publicising the MacMatte petition.

    Petition webmaster

  6. macmatte: You're welcome. But I guess Apple is oblivious about it. I'm going to stick to my matte screens.


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