Nuclear concern from foreigners 外國人對於核能的關注
is a really terrible photo, but I can tell you that thousands and
thousands of foreigners all over Tokyo are flooding into the Immigration
Bureau at Shinagawa these days to get our re-entry permit. Most on the queue were
from China. Apparently, their media had reported the situation in Japan
too sensationally and make it seem as though the whole of Japan is under
radiation. In fact, their mentality is to flee Japan asap to save their lives, even resorting to cutting queues.
I didn't want to "flee" at first but in view of the uncertain unfolding of dramatic events at the nuclear reactors, I decided to heed my worried parent's request to head home this Friday. To tell you the truth, I am extremely disappointed about the Japanese government's response to this crisis and failure to evacuate the people near the nuclear reactors early.
Even Fukushima's prefecture head had made a public request for help on NHK this evening to ask for:
我對政府用日本人一貫含糊的發表感到非常失望。例如他們會說“我們無法否定燃料有可能已經完全露出”,或“有可能會有大量輻射被洩漏”。我的天啊,其實是很簡單的。請告訴大家到底已經露了沒有?有輻射了沒有?很簡單的。 也難怪福島縣長已經逼到要公開要求政府提供準確並即時的情報了!
Secondly, lack of foresight. From 10km evacuation, to 20km and then to 30km... Why can't the government just evacuate 50km right from the start? Provide enough gasoline, let their people pack and flee first instead of slowly increasing the radius. We're talking about radiation, not SARS, it has absolutely no cure and suffering for life. Please don't go by the book and just base everything to what experts say, like 10km is 10km, 20km is 20km, 30km is 30km. HELLO? So many lives are at stake!
第二, 缺乏遠見。從起初的10公里撤離,到20公里,30公里... 為什麼政府不要乾脆一開始就撤離50公里範圍內的居民?與其慢慢地把撤離範圍擴大,倒不如提供足夠汽油,讓大家趕快收拾一下逃命。專家雖然說10公里是10公里,20公里是20公里,30公里是30公里。但是拜託!人命關天啊!先撤50公里比較好吧?
Finally lack of timely information to public. At first it was just nuclear reactor 1, then 3, then 2 and then suddenly no.4 as well!? Why don't they investigate thoroughly first and release all the information about the failure of all 4 reactor's cooling mechanism? They would have gotten help from USA right away instead of waiting for the situation to dire. Moreover, when did they have used fuel rods stored in no.4 reactor as well!?????? Their cooling mechanism is also failing, but great, instead of just 4 working rods, there are more! I hope our heroes can quickly resolve this problem asap!
No wonder poor Fukushima people couldn't take it anymore. First you have the M9 earthquake, then the deadly tsunami and now they have to survive from radiation. Even if they survive from the deadly 3 disasters (both natural and man-made), they're faced with shortage of gasoline and supplies. Please help them!
Before I finish my ranting, I have a 10:48pm news from Asahi to complain about. A man aged 69 had just died because his bike had knocked against another vehicle at a traffic junction. Reason: Due to the planned electricity cut off times from traffic lights and absence of traffic police duty. Prefecture police said that this is the first fatal accident that was due to power outage. Once again, can TEPCO re-plan their electricity cut off properly? They can cut off residence houses like mine, but please don't risk your people's life by cutting off traffic lights, elderly homes AND HOSPITALS! There are so many elderly patients, who need electrical devices to survive. What were the upper management thinking???
Okay, that is all before I sleep. Although Tokyo is 250km away and seem to be fine for now, foreigners seem to be the only ones on high alert due to sensational overseas news report and foresight that the situation now is too unpredictable, even with the "experts".
I didn't want to "flee" at first but in view of the uncertain unfolding of dramatic events at the nuclear reactors, I decided to heed my worried parent's request to head home this Friday. To tell you the truth, I am extremely disappointed about the Japanese government's response to this crisis and failure to evacuate the people near the nuclear reactors early.
Even Fukushima's prefecture head had made a public request for help on NHK this evening to ask for:
- Accurate and timely information.
準確和即時的情報 - Gasoline to transport people and needed goods, and other forms of oil.
可以輸送人和物資的油 - Medicine (lots of elderly and sick people)
藥物(因為有許多患病和老人家) - Food, water
糧食,水 - Kerosene heater. Because it will be very cold these days due to the Northern winds, bringing temperatures down to 0 degrees. Unfortunately, they have no electricity :(
我對政府用日本人一貫含糊的發表感到非常失望。例如他們會說“我們無法否定燃料有可能已經完全露出”,或“有可能會有大量輻射被洩漏”。我的天啊,其實是很簡單的。請告訴大家到底已經露了沒有?有輻射了沒有?很簡單的。 也難怪福島縣長已經逼到要公開要求政府提供準確並即時的情報了!
Secondly, lack of foresight. From 10km evacuation, to 20km and then to 30km... Why can't the government just evacuate 50km right from the start? Provide enough gasoline, let their people pack and flee first instead of slowly increasing the radius. We're talking about radiation, not SARS, it has absolutely no cure and suffering for life. Please don't go by the book and just base everything to what experts say, like 10km is 10km, 20km is 20km, 30km is 30km. HELLO? So many lives are at stake!
第二, 缺乏遠見。從起初的10公里撤離,到20公里,30公里... 為什麼政府不要乾脆一開始就撤離50公里範圍內的居民?與其慢慢地把撤離範圍擴大,倒不如提供足夠汽油,讓大家趕快收拾一下逃命。專家雖然說10公里是10公里,20公里是20公里,30公里是30公里。但是拜託!人命關天啊!先撤50公里比較好吧?
Finally lack of timely information to public. At first it was just nuclear reactor 1, then 3, then 2 and then suddenly no.4 as well!? Why don't they investigate thoroughly first and release all the information about the failure of all 4 reactor's cooling mechanism? They would have gotten help from USA right away instead of waiting for the situation to dire. Moreover, when did they have used fuel rods stored in no.4 reactor as well!?????? Their cooling mechanism is also failing, but great, instead of just 4 working rods, there are more! I hope our heroes can quickly resolve this problem asap!
No wonder poor Fukushima people couldn't take it anymore. First you have the M9 earthquake, then the deadly tsunami and now they have to survive from radiation. Even if they survive from the deadly 3 disasters (both natural and man-made), they're faced with shortage of gasoline and supplies. Please help them!
Before I finish my ranting, I have a 10:48pm news from Asahi to complain about. A man aged 69 had just died because his bike had knocked against another vehicle at a traffic junction. Reason: Due to the planned electricity cut off times from traffic lights and absence of traffic police duty. Prefecture police said that this is the first fatal accident that was due to power outage. Once again, can TEPCO re-plan their electricity cut off properly? They can cut off residence houses like mine, but please don't risk your people's life by cutting off traffic lights, elderly homes AND HOSPITALS! There are so many elderly patients, who need electrical devices to survive. What were the upper management thinking???
Okay, that is all before I sleep. Although Tokyo is 250km away and seem to be fine for now, foreigners seem to be the only ones on high alert due to sensational overseas news report and foresight that the situation now is too unpredictable, even with the "experts".
停紅綠燈的電能省多少........ ="=
ReplyDeleteThe news coverage overseas is covering nothing else except on nuclear, and it's always the same information presented differently.
ReplyDelete小卓: 對啊,希望日本趕快好轉!
ReplyDeleteaustin: 其實是真的沒有那麼嚴重。是外國媒體報到有如日本世界末日了一樣。因為你也知道啦,新聞文章要槍眼,越嚴重,人們才會注意閱讀。東京是有測出輻射,但是還是在安全標準以下。當天幾十萬人都出街了,不可能每個都得癌症吧?
Zero: 省一些吧。但是應該讓公司,學校和工場省比較好吧。例如強制性縮短工作/生產時間也可以。不會死人,也可以增加大家於假人在一起的時間,生產多一些孩子,不是更好嗎?
Park: Yeah, in Japan, the news on TV everyday is counting up the number of deaths and missing. There are nuclear news but all not good. The latest was that there were actually more fuel rods at reactor 5 and 6, their cooling system is also failing -_-. I wonder how many stuff they have hidden at the location that might have problems in the future -_- . They'd just sprayed some water into the tanks of no.3 reactor, that might solve no.3 but what about the other reactors man :(