
Review of Yoga Inc.

As you can see from my recent comics , I had developed this yoga craze and been going to yoga classes every week. I am very happy that Yoga Inc. invited me over to give their classes a try. Their address is 100 Guillemard Road #01-08 Singapore 399718

Webinar about Social Media Marketing for Artists and Entrepreneurs

I had been procrastinating to do a webinar about how I increased my fanbase from only 600 Facebook likes in 2012 to 68,000 likes now without paying for any FB ads. Luckily my procrastination stopped when Mark Koh from Temploy asked me to do a webinar for his company as a reward for their crowdfunding campaign: Skillup 2015 . Skillup is a free two-days event for youths to be inspired and learn about jobs outside the norm, such as part-time jobs, creative jobs as well as becoming entrepreneurs. I know Mark Koh from one of his networking events and he is also a writer together with my comic artist friend, Shawn Siow, for their new book " Silent War ". If you read my blog last year, you would know that they actually let me share their booth at Comic Fiesta , Kuala Lumpur. My Webinar Ok, I admit, it was my first time making a webinar so it was a bit draggy at times and totalled at around 68mins. I split the webinar into three parts: 1) Introduction, 2) Strategy and Execu

Keeping our city clean

Sometimes I wonder if our city can still be kept clean without the "fine" signs everywhere and our diligent cleaners going around to clean up the mess... But one thing is for sure, we don't pick up other people's trash like what the Japanese did after the World Cup!

The Ultimate Review of 21 Sweet Japanese Matcha Snacks

Ok seriously, this review took me like 10 months to complete and I gained a whopping 2kg as a result for not exercising too. That's why I had been doing yoga every week to shed those additional pounds of fats...

Download Chinese New Year 2015 goat wallpaper

It's been a long time since I created wallpapers but I found this one especially nice so I decided to make wallpapers for mobile and desktop too! To download for smartphones (1136x640 pixels): To download for desktop (1920x1080 pixels): The wallpaper should be big enough, if not you can enlarge or crop it according to your screen size. Looking good right? Like what a Singaporean Chinese will say, "HUAT AH!" (to grow wealth!)

How to unblock your link when Facebook blocks it by saying it is unsafe

The Problem I tried to post a blog article on my FB page EVACOMICS  on 20th Jan, but whenever I post my link, Facebook will insist that it might be UNSAFE and I had to enter a captcha code!

Monday sketch comics (yoga and fitness)

You might have noticed that I am starting to upload comics that are not Japanese-related to diversify my topics and not bore myself with everything Japanese...

Facebook labelled my blog as unsafe and blocks it

So I wasn't sure if it was because I added a word "AD" at the top that made Facebook all sensitive, but they flagged my entire blog as "UNSAFE" since last week and had not lifted the block although I sent several requests to unblock it. You know I write here often and I visit my own blog almost everyday without any problem. Now I have to key in this troublesome security code each time I post my link and users have to confirm that they want to leave FB to visit my blog. THIS IS NOT COOL. So Facebook, maybe you want me to pay that's why? You can help by reporting to Facebook that my lovely blog that has been around since 2009 is perfectly safe by going here: and fill in is NOT UNSAFE! Please remove the block. Thank you!!!

Odd Japanese English: Mansion

Luckily I knew about this before hunting for my apartment, and I did land up in a one-room mansion :P

Recording for Knockout Carnival TV program on OKTO channel

Frankly speaking, I hadn't teach drawing for more than 4 years so when I was contacted to become a mentor for a national TV program, I was pretty darn nervous. The show was called "Knockout Carnival" on OKTO channel that targets kids and teens to let them know more about our local arts scene. The shots were filmed on 25th August at Hoods Inc's studio and the episode was on air on 25th November. You can watch the show here (I appear somewhere in the middle, but you can't skip the loading):