I had been procrastinating to do a webinar about how I increased my fanbase from only 600 Facebook likes in 2012 to 68,000 likes now without paying for any FB ads. Luckily my procrastination stopped when Mark Koh from Temploy asked me to do a webinar for his company as a reward for their crowdfunding campaign: Skillup 2015 . Skillup is a free two-days event for youths to be inspired and learn about jobs outside the norm, such as part-time jobs, creative jobs as well as becoming entrepreneurs. I know Mark Koh from one of his networking events and he is also a writer together with my comic artist friend, Shawn Siow, for their new book " Silent War ". If you read my blog last year, you would know that they actually let me share their booth at Comic Fiesta , Kuala Lumpur. My Webinar Ok, I admit, it was my first time making a webinar so it was a bit draggy at times and totalled at around 68mins. I split the webinar into three parts: 1) Introduction, 2) Strategy and Execu