
Showing posts from December, 2014

Evacomics at Comic Fiesta 2014, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

I didn't plan to go Comic Fiesta initially because I was uncertain how to bring my books there by myself and nobody to help look after the booth when I am not around. Strangely, one week before CF, I met Shawn (artist) from Draw Slowly  and Mark (writer) from Temploy during Bookmate's launch event and they were going to CF to launch their crowdfunding comic project: " Silent War ". They offered to share their booth with me so yup, off I go!!!

Something good about Singapore

So I'll end off the comics for this year with a good thing about my home country, and yes, it does feel good to be back home :) I'll be posting about my experience at Comic Fiesta tomorrow! ;)

Odd Japanese English: Half

Ok, this one is not very odd, but it sounds like ordering something at Subway... half-sandwich please! ...and half-salad, half-pasta...

Evacomics at Popular BookFest (12-21 Dec 2014) Suntec Singapore

It was a privilege to be on BookFest stage despite being assigned a weekday evening from 7.30-8.30pm and labelled as a for "Kids"event. I was very worried that there will be no crowd and my fans won't show up so I asked a few of my friends to come support me (and of course buy the book at 20% discount hee hee hee)

Decision making in Japan

Besides trying to achieve 100% consensus all the time, most Japanese companies try to make sure that everything is fixed before they release their product. But this also means that they are slower than their competitors...

Evacomics at AFA 2014

This was my first time at Anime Festival Asia (AFA) so I didn't know if sales would be good or not. I heard that there will be a lot of people but I wasn't sure if they were into well-known anime or into my original creation. I was very lucky that my booth location was pretty good at the entrance into the Creators Hub section.

Lingerie Theft at laundromat in Japan

Based on true story, but luckily not mine. My friend did everything as usual, put in all her clothes and then come back an hour later to take them out. Everything was fine, except, all of her "private collection" were missing. Another case happened to my gaijin (foreigner) girl friend, but not at the laundromat but at her backyard. She lived on the first floor and put her lingerie to dry out one night. Unfortunately, someone went over the fences and stole her entire "showroom pieces". If I'm not wrong, Japan is the only country with some sick people going around to steal underwear at laundromats, backyards and veranda.... =_=;; Update: According to fans in Malaysia, their underwear can also get stolen if left at the backyard...hmm...

Hair salon service in Japan and Singapore

Believe me, if I have more money I will visit the more expensive salons to do my hair and not get scratched, splashed and scrubbed on the face...