Stinky dorm 髒寮
If you think that girls keep their places clean and tidy all the time, you are wrong! In fact in our international dormitory , kitchens and wash basins at the girls' floor are even more dirty than the guys'. Besides lacking in hygiene, some lack common sense as well. Eggs, curry, mushrooms, vegetables, rice, seeds, and even plastic wrappers are some typical recipe to our dirty sink mixed dish. Even the filter inside the kitchen sink was never emptied by the culprits themselves, causing the sink to be clogged all the time. 假如你認為女生都一定保持場所乾淨又整潔的話,你就大錯特錯了!特別是在我們的 國際宿舍 裡,女生的廚房和洗面所竟然比男生的髒!有些女生除了沒有清潔意識之外,還缺乏基本常識。倒入水盆裡的雜物包括煎蛋,咖哩,香菇,菜,飯,種子,甚至連塑膠包裝都不放過!水盆裡的過濾網也都完全沒清理,導致水盆常常堵塞。