
Comics: Life as Freelancer

I don't really like to work (who does?), but having a commission project = income is always a happy news to me :)

Comics: The most contradicting dress code

When I wear a pair of jeans and blouse, I would see ladies wearing formal dresses and guys wearing long sleeves shirt and pants. When I wear a dress, I would see people wear jeans... This smart casual dress code is too complicated for me...

Comics: Doing yoga at home

I tried doing yoga at home, but I admit I don't have the perseverance to do core work and warrior poses so I usually end up just stretching here and there... which is good to relax and sleep zzz~

Comics: Dating Events

Somehow I always end up exchanging contacts with the ladies instead of the guys... No matches yet but made more friends~ I also felt the guys during the events are more sociable than those who registered for the dating agency's events...

Comics: After a successful weight loss

Well everything is good except for that... ... xx Although I didn't lose much weight this month, I can already fit into my old clothes, yeah! Although I read about muscles being more compact than fats, to witness it on my body was quite amazing O_O;; I think I will carry on for one more month so I can have a buffer because I gain weight very easily. So very soon you will not see anymore weight loss diet comics XD

Comics: Buying smaller size clothes for motivation

I used to buy just-fitting clothes that shrink a bit after wash. I thought I could still fit in and motivates me to slim down, but my belly would end up rounder and rounder and protruding...😭

Comics: Losing weight by practicing yoga

Many people doubted that yoga can lose weight... well the truth is you can, but need to combine with a diet... And I am aware about my tummy each time during practice...

Comics: Diversity in US

While flipping my book of recorded ideas to draw into comics, I came across this one that I wrote last year. So after Trump took over, he wants to build a wall at the Mexican border, ban people from 7 countries to enter (including green card holders), exit from TPP and increase the checking at immigration customs to the point you have to surrender your social media accounts... So this idea is no longer valid in 2017 and I have to cancel it off, hopefully things will pick up again...

Visit to Google Office in Singapore

Thanks to PurpleClick Media and DBS Business Class, I won a short tour around the Singapore Google office last Friday!

Comics: Exercising the face

I attended a core yoga class at Yoga Inc recently and it's mostly pilates moves to use your core muscles (mainly your abs, or in my case "flabby tummy"). Most of the time I find myself clenching my face and the instructor would tell us to relax... But I always find my face working harder than my tummy...🙎

Character theme cafes and shops in Taipei

Ok I'm not going to lie, I like to visit character theme cafes because one of my dream is to have my very own one day, or at least to design for a cafe... During my last trip, my good friend brought me to many character cafe and shops that I felt as if I was in Japan! Taiwanese like Japanese culture a lot and they share a lot of similarities in their service and retail. So if you are on a budget, Taiwan is a good alternative because their food and transport are way cheaper than Japan 😬

Hot Spring and food trip to Jiaoxi, Yilan city(Taiwan holiday)

It's like a tradition to visit Jiaoxi town, part of Yilan City, which is to the southeast of Taipei, with my friend.

Yehliu Geopark and fresh seafood trip (Taiwan holiday)

An acquaintance of mine learned I was coming and offered to drive me up to the northern part of Taiwan to visit a famous geo park and eat fresh seafood there.

Eslite Bookstore branding in Taiwan (Taiwan holiday)

I cleared up some commission work so I decided to blog about my trip to Taiwan last month before I get busy again. So over the next few days, you will be seeing more updates on my blog :P When we talk about Taiwanese bookstores, the first that comes to mind is Eslite bookstore. Not only they have many chain stores throughout Taiwan, but also it has branded itself as the cool and hip place to go to for young people.

Comics: A part of it stays forever

I haven't got a chance to blog about my brief holiday at Taiwan, but I gained 2 kg in just 5-6 days and I only lost 1 kg after 2 weeks of regular exercise... ... sob. (Yes I can feel tummy bounce when I run...)

Comics: Eligible Bachelors

I remember a friend telling me that if you are looking for a guy who is single, it's impossible for him to be rich, handsome and mentally sound at the same time. If he is all three, he's either not looking or already married... But anyway if you can find a unicorn, please bring it to me :p

Comics: It gets harder after 30s

I had been slowing gaining weight since end of last year when I was having events one after another and skipped my yoga and fitness classes. Worse, I ate anything I wanted, which included cakes and fried stuff. Before I know it, I gained 4kg and now I'm trying to lose it. I tried to control my diet and exercise more but after a month, the weight still stayed the same... oTz...

Comics: Diet can wait

Diet can wait till after the Chinese New Year is over... maybe...

Chinese New Year Yusheng or lo hei

In Singapore, there is a tradition to toss a kind of raw fish salad called "yusheng" during the Lunar New Year to symbolise an increase in abundance for the new year. It usually contains strips of raw fish (usually salmon nowadays), mixed with shredded vegetables and a variety of sauces and condiments. We usually do one round of tossing at home and at work. When you toss, you should say something auspicious and the higher you toss, the better it is. But because the yusheng we toss at home is paid out of own pockets, we tend to be more careful in keeping the ingredients within the plate. But at work, because it's paid by company, most of the ingredients usually land up on the table and in a mess, which is a waste of food. The above is my family's yusheng, which is proudly sponsored by my brother 😋  He ordered extra seafood sashimi so it can look better on photo (haha we have a vain family). It was nice but we think just salmon is enough. Actually this year

Social media and drawing workshop to student correspondents from local press

(Photo credit: 汉聪) I was invited to conduct a workshop to a group of student correspondents from a local press on 29 October last year. The objective of the student correspondent program was to train them to become future journalists. So in order to let them get some hands-on experience, the press would occasionally invite people to talk about our trade and be interviewed by them.