[073] Importance of Insurance 保險的重要

Doctors never know how much each medicine, scan, test or surgery costs! But they're good at recommending you to take a lot of them. Health is important, what to do!?



  1. Double or triple check on other doctors? Haha I am always advised to get more than two doctor's diagnosis. Maybe one doctor said you may have tuberculosis, but then the other one said it's only a bad cough. :S

    But yeah, health issues eat our money aliveee (+_+)

  2. ?! U got tuberculosis??? Stil can get one meh?

  3. Oridusartic: Yeah, but when you feel really sick, you just want to get over with the treatments and diagnosis asap. Especially I don't know where else to go in a foreign land that very little people speaks English =_=

    Kelvin: Apparently, it's still possible!

  4. 小卓:我更囧囧囧囧囧囧囧囧囧囧囧


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