
Nagano Tour w whole school Day1 全校長野旅行第一天

First day's lunch. 第一天的午餐。

Thank you gift for hostfamily 給住宿家庭的感謝


Nasukashi Volunteer Service Day 1-5


Shizuoka Homestay Day 2~5


Shizuoka Homestay Day 1 靜岡縣第一天

This is my first bento meal bought from the station and eaten inside the Shinkansen. To tell you the truth, the packaging was gorgeous but the taste so. 這是我在新幹線車站買的便當。老實說,包裝是很漂亮,但是味道不怎麼樣!

Dr. Sketchy in Tokyo

I attended this life drawing session called "Dr. Sketchy" in Shibuya last month, and was quite amazed to see so many foreigners and a few SINGAPOREANS there! Believe me, I'm the only Singaporean in my Japanese school and nobody, nobody would understand my Singlish LEH! 上個月參加了一個非一般的繪畫沙龍,名字叫"Dr. Sketchy"。很訝異的是竟然有那麼多外國人和幾位新加坡人!!!在日語學校裡,只有我一個新加坡人,根本沒人會了解我的"新"式英語T_T

Defenses breached 3 (入侵3)

While washing my hands at the far,far away washing room, I spotted this apparently dead cicada on the floor. The length seemed to be approximately 6cm from head to wing. By far, its the biggest insect which I'd ever seen, apart from dead specimens..  Suddenly it twitched... 當我在遙遠的洗面所洗手時,發現這隻似乎已經死掉的蟬。長度約6cm。 除了標本以外,這是我有史以來,看過最大的昆蟲! 可是它突然掙扎了一下...

Japan Good Design 日本的優秀設計

Guess what is this? It's a bag of course! But's also a... 猜這是什麼?(-_-白癡問題嗎?當然是塑膠袋啦!)不過,這也是一個...

Didn't win anything 沒得獎

The results of Morning International Comic Competition (MICC) was out a few days ago: Unfortunately me and the other Singaporean artist (omigod) didn't get into the finalist round. So I expressed my disappointment in my twitter and facebook and became "emo" for a few days. Thanks to friends who cheered me up, I'll try my best to stick my butt in a Japanese university to learn about how to do my own ebook comics and try the contest again after I'm done with all the hardcore Japanese studies... AJA AJA FIGHTING! 前幾天,講談社的國際漫畫獎成績公佈: 可惜我和另一名新加坡人都落選了,因此消沈地在twitter和面書發泄了一下。 感謝支持我的朋友和妹妹,我會加油設法咬住某大學院來研究電子漫畫的自行販賣策略。 當然有機會的話,會想再參加比賽...(不過得先解決日語的苦讀...) 唉,所謂人生就是有起有落吧 但願這只是個過渡期。 AJA AJA FIGHTING!

Ikebukuro 池袋
