
Sakura and the Weird April Weather

There was lots of sakura during the first 2 weeks of April so ASJA (the scholarship provider) organized a "Hanami"(flower seeing) to Shinjuku Park on 3rd April. But... 4月的前兩個禮拜有很多美麗的櫻花,所以4月3日時,ASJA獎學金機構就約了大家一起去新宿公園賞花,不過...

Japanese Study and Daily Routine 日語課和每日行程

Sorry to bore you with this first picture...but these were the books our teacher gave us on the first day! So now you know why I haven't got the time to update my blog often, holy cow! 第一天老師就丟了一堆課本給我們!現在知道為什麼我無法常常更新網誌吧!我的天啊!


這日記漫畫是在無名網誌2號連載過的。這次搬到這裡回味一下往日的風采~ 請在這裡下載PDF 。

Eva Sees the World (2010)

This comic series was based on my everyday life in Singapore, with a little bit of imagination and humor! Translated from my previous Taiwanese blog. Download PDF version here .

Dormitory in Shinjuku, Tokyo 東京宿舍

This was what I saw when I arrive at my Shinjuku school dormitory on 1st April. It was really small at 9 sq metres, equipped with only a bed, study table, chair, side table and wardrobe/shelf. TV and fridge was passed down from seniors who had graduated. 這是我4月1日進入新宿宿舍時看到的情況。 面積只有9sq m,設備只有床,桌子,椅子,旁桌和衣櫃兼書櫃。電視和冰箱都是之前畢業的前輩留下的。

Universal Studios Singapore 新加坡環球電影城

Of course I must visit Universal Studios before I leave Singapore! I forced asked my friends to go with me on a Saturday which costs $72, very expensive. Because their hit attraction Battlestar Galactica was closed for tweaking, they gave us $10 meal voucher and $5 retail voucher :( 因為快離開新加坡了,所以當然要先去環球電影城玩玩啦! 週末票價為$71真貴!由於其中一個主要景點Battlestar Galactica無期關閉,所以當局分發了$10餐飲券和$5購物券。但我覺得還是不划算。

Unaccompanied Baggage to Japan 黑貓宅急便

The people from Yamato Kuroneko came down to pick up my luggage in the afternoon, fully prepared with weighing scale, carton boxes, forms, brochures, money and packing materials. Basically everything is taken care of! If you're also flying to Japan to study or work like me, here's what I did: 通過黑貓宅急便,把我的大包小包先運走了! 黑貓人員準備得很齊全,如秤,箱子,表格,解說冊子,零錢和包裹用具。 基本上,全都被妥善處理!我無須費心呢! 以下是準備包裹的過程,方便那些也要去日本唸書或工作的讀者: Call/email Yamato Transport to arrange for delivery of their boxes so you can start packing. Also arrange for the pick up date as well. Their boxes range from: Size A 92x46x22cm Size C 66x46x33cm Size D 46x33x33cm Just stuff your things into the boxes but make sure each is less than 25kg and $2500 in value. No need to write anything on the boxes and leave them open in case you want to do any last minute re-arrangements. Insurance is included. There will be a couple, one Japanese who will help you with the forms, and the other busy packing and writing on your boxes. They w