Didn't win anything 沒得獎
The results of Morning International Comic Competition (MICC) was out a few days ago: http://morningmanga.com/micc/ Unfortunately me and the other Singaporean artist (omigod) didn't get into the finalist round. So I expressed my disappointment in my twitter and facebook and became "emo" for a few days. Thanks to friends who cheered me up, I'll try my best to stick my butt in a Japanese university to learn about how to do my own ebook comics and try the contest again after I'm done with all the hardcore Japanese studies... AJA AJA FIGHTING! 前幾天,講談社的國際漫畫獎成績公佈: http://morningmanga.com/micc/ 可惜我和另一名新加坡人都落選了,因此消沈地在twitter和面書發泄了一下。 感謝支持我的朋友和妹妹,我會加油設法咬住某大學院來研究電子漫畫的自行販賣策略。 當然有機會的話,會想再參加比賽...(不過得先解決日語的苦讀...) 唉,所謂人生就是有起有落吧 但願這只是個過渡期。 AJA AJA FIGHTING!