
Happy Weekend everyone!

Will I cook or not to cook... that's a question to be answered in my Facebook page ... 週末要煮什麼...可能在我的 FB網頁 揭曉吧? XD

Local and Foreigners in Service sector 本地人和外國人

I welcome foreign talents, but I'm quite worried about the future. What if 50% of Singapore's total population are locals. Are we getting too "globalized"? 中文版請點(更多)→

Neverending Japanese Service 沒完沒了的日本鞠躬

To bow or not to bow, that is a question... 中文版請點(更多)→

Japan solar eclipse 2012 日本的金環日食2012

I woke up early at 6.45am to catch the first annular solar eclipse of my life! Without brushing my teeth and eating breakfast, I dashed downstairs to catch the sun and moon in action. Luckily it wasn't that cloudy. (photo taken with solar eclipse glasses) 今早6.45起床,沒刷牙,沒吃飯就換衣出門看日食了。還好家樓下就看得到,而且雲朵也沒那麼厚,真爽。(照片通過特製日食眼鏡拍的)

Japanese and Singapore service 日新的服務差別


Annular Solar Eclipse Japan 2012 金環日食2012

Friends around me doesn't seem interested but I'm definitely looking forward to this solar eclipse! 真期待啊~但是周圍的朋友都好像都對這天文現象沒感到興趣...

Nobody wants my money Japanese Department Stores 日本百貨公司也不要我的錢

Singapore department stores close at 9pm or 9.30pm. It's either Japanese close too early or we're too hardworking. Alternatively, they need to get home early to make babies... 中文版請點(更多)→

Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 臥虎藏龍的關係


Namja Town in Sushine City Ikebukuro

It's Golden Week and temperatures are getting more comfortable at around 22 degrees. Time to backtrack on places that I'd visited! First, introducing Namja Town in Sunshine City Ikebukuro. Admission fee was cheap, with an option to purchase a pass that will allow you to access rides. 不知不覺又到了日本的黃金週!天氣也終於沒那麼冷了!難得有空,就介紹之前去過的室內遊樂園Namja Town。入門費很便宜,但是要進入鬼屋或坐車的話就需要買昂貴的遊玩券。

Japanese Service is just different 日本服務就是不一樣!

There is one thing I admire very much about Japanese culture, that is their attitude to provide the best service for customers. Friends around me are getting 1000yen/hour (SG$15) to do part-time jobs like admin/sales/waiter, compared to only SG$5/hour in Singapore. Will you be willing to pay a bit more for better service??? 中文版請點(更多)→