With temperatures rising high from today onwards towards the peak of summer, the government is starting to advise people to be careful of heatstroke while in "setsuden" (cutting excessive electricity usage). In fact, hundreds throughout Japan die from heatstroke each year, most of them being elderly folks left accidentally behind in cars or suffocated in their own rooms while sleeping without air conditioning. 氣溫突然從今天起上升了!日本政府也開始呼籲民眾在節電的當兒,要小心中暑。因為每年夏季,日本全國上下都會有約幾百人死於中暑。死者大多數是老年人。死因通常是因為他們被遺忘在車內,或晚上睡覺時是閉著窗也沒開冷氣。 I'm often asked to choose between Tokyo and Singapore, which has the more unbearable heat? Japanese believe that Singapore should be much worse and uncomfortable because we're sitting just next to the equator. True, Singapore is hot and humid throughout the year but there're some things that we have but they don't: 1)Fully air-conditioned Train Stations (and some bus interchanges), 2)Sheltered Walkways, 3)Air-conditioned Shopping Malls and 4)Freez...