
[084] Accounting is so difficult 會計真難啊

I'd been studying or doing art and media for over 10 years, and suddenly, I have to pick up Maths again and study accounting. You can imagine how challenging it is. Hope I survive. 中文版請點(更多)→

[083] Why do we still care? 禁不住的在意

It's natural to have some "noise" in the toilet, but why do we still care so much about what others think??? 中文版請點(更多)→

[082] Why women are always so busy 女人忙忙碌碌的真正原因!


[081] Be Always Prepared 隨時做好準備


Tokyo Designers Week 2011 東京設計展

A brief entry about a trip to Tokyo Designers Week. (We don't know why a maid cosplayer was there...) but the blue tiger mascot was from the main sponsor Chintai, a real estate company. Entrance fee was 2000yen. 昨天去了一個設計展覽,入場券是2000yen。說是設計展覽,不知道為什麼會有男扮女僕在現場!? 藍色的老虎是主要贊助商的吉祥物。

[080] The Art of asking Women questions 男人女人


End of my Japanese Hospital Adventure 日本醫院冒險記最終回

(中文版在下面) After spending almost once a week at the hospital due to "Tuberculosis suspicion" hypothesized by my clinic doctor, all tests turned out negative. DUH... I already told you doc, I didn't have tuberculosis. But no, my young "specialist" doctor insisted that I go to the hospital 4 times in a month till they find traces of this deadly bacteria. I didn't believe that I had TB, but after all his psyching to do further tests, he made me believe that I indeed could have contracted TB. The first thing on my 4th(and final) appointment was to get an xray again. So I went to the radiology department but was surprised that the technician wanted to take a side view xray too. I told him that I was worried about the amount of radiation that I already received, but he reassured that the dosage from xray was so small that it's okay to take several times . WHAT? You mean I can even take 2 xrays per week for 1 month and be totally cool? Alright... since you i