
Showing posts with the label Comics (Evacomics)

[105] Procrastination 拖拖拉拉

I don't know about you...but this happens to me all the time... 中文版請點(更多)→ 

[104] Memorized and forgotten 記得然後被遺忘的

We have a lot of time wasted on things that we had studied and memorized, but end up forgetting them. The frustrating thing is "remembering" and "forgetting" always comes as a pair. 中文版請點(更多)→ 

[103] Perception on Failure 失敗的看法

Inspired from Thomas Edison's famous quotes on failure. When asked by a reporter on how it feels to fail 1000 times. He replied that he had simply found 1000 ways that wouldn't lead to success. There are many variations to this and I'm not sure which is the exact words that he had said. But nevertheless, the message is clear, failures will eventually lead to success, don't give up. 中文版請點(更多)→ 

[102] Just can't get up 就是起不來

After some long break and fun, I found myself always stuck in bed, The only incentive to wake up before 10am is the hot water supply. My delicate skin requires lukewarm water so I'd have to break the magic spell by 10am. Damn. 中文版請點(更多)→

Happy New Year! 新年快樂!

Happy New Year everyone! 2011 has been quite a terrible year for me. With the big earthquake , typhoon, and then followed by being suspected of contracting tuberculosis . My eyes are getting worse and the dry cold winter is not helping much. Signs of getting old after 30? However, I'm glad that I'm still alive and will be moving out of my crappy dorm soon after saving for 20 months. My "long-term" aspiration is the same, that is found in comic strip #23 (lol), but the short-term goal is to continue to draw comics, design some merchandizes and make nicer graphics for my Facebook Page. With that, thank you friends and readers for your continued support and I look forward moving together with you in 2012. Happy New Year! :) 大家新年快樂!2011年對我來說,真是一個多災多難的年份。首先是 3月的大地震 ,接下來是台風。然後因為這樣感冒,被 懷疑感染了肺炎 ...=_=。除此之外眼睛的近視也好像又加深了。難道是年過30的跡象?不過慶幸我還活著! 而且終於要在月底搬家了!Sayonara 爛宿舍 ! 我長遠的目標還是一樣,就是當貴婦(呵呵請參考 #23的漫畫 )XD。但是短期目標是多畫漫畫,設計一些周邊產品,設計好看一點的臉書圖案等等。好了就這樣,感謝台灣朋友和讀者的支持! 希望我們一起快樂地渡過20

[101] Making space for a new future 除舊迎新未來

Making space for new things! Have you done your spring cleaning? 中文版請點(更多)→ 

[100] My New Year Resolution 新年志願

What's your new year resolution? Mine can be found in comic strip #23. Heh heh heh~ 中文版請點(更多)→

Merry Christmas! 聖誕快樂!

To my dear readers and friends, thank you for your support and hope you'll have a Merry Christmas! 親愛的台灣讀者和朋友們,感謝你們從無名到現在一直在支持我的漫畫。希望明年繼續會有更好的作品+帶給大家歡笑!聖誕快樂!

[099] Christmas Special 聖誕特輯


[098] Santa socks! 聖誕襪子!

 Did you do the same thing when you were young?  中文版請點(更多)→

[097] That's why I don't like social events 討厭社交場合的原因...

 Well, who can remember so many names? 中文版請點(更多)→

[096] Fighting for the wrong reasons 爭來幹嘛

 We used to fight over who slept the least, but is this really worth fighting for? 中文版請點(更多)→

[095] The question that we have to think about everyday 每天的煩惱

Decisions decisions... do you have the same frustration? 中文版請點(更多)→

[094] Next time I should be at the teacher's table 努力爬到師座位那邊


[093] That's why I decided to do it myself! 所以最後自己來!

 It's really difficult to make it if you're an unknown artist from all aspects. But I'll persevere. 中文版請點(更多)→

[092] Optimism despite defeat 失敗也樂觀

I submitted my short story comic to a Japanese publisher back in 2007. Although I got a grade "B" for it, they were kind to return my manuscript along with comments and freebies such as papers and pen nibs. So nice of them :) 中文版請點(更多)→

[091] Sharp Contrast 有醜女才會有美女

 When there is light, there is darkness. When there is darkness, there is light. 中文版請點(更多)→

[090] Not the same 同人不同命

If I wear my blouse inside-out, I bet people would think that it was a careless mistake. Pretty women look good in any outfit, while Japanese looks fashionable in any outfit... 中文版請點(更多)→

[089] Rich and Refined hairstyle 有錢又高貴的髮型

Unfortunately semi-true story. 中文版請點(更多)→

[088] Good idea 好主意!

I feel uneasy about the stock market recently so sold all away (not that I have a lot). 中文版請點(更多)→