
Showing posts from July, 2011

[047] Technology 高科技

The power of Facebook and technology~ 中文版請點(更多)→

[046] Jealousy 妒忌

#046 Thank you everyone for your precious frank feedback! Things that I'd gathered from various interviews include... 感谢大家诚恳的回复!搜集到的意见包括... 1) Need a character intro page 需要人物介绍首页 2) Characters have to be more exaggerated "inside" and outside (expressions) 人物必须性格夸张,表情也得更夸张 Make some little outrageous remarks and poke fun at things,not everything in our daily life is pleasant.We sometimes act or behave in ways that we don't others to know ~ we would crack up if we read them in comics. E.g. Sitting on a toilet reading newspaper with one hand scratching the lower back just right above the buttocks. 3) Characters need to appear at specific places so we know where they belong and a sense of overall continuity 人物必须在特定的某地方一直出现,这样有助与理解人物和总连贯性 4) There should be more conflicts/problems that the characters are facing so we are curious to read on. 假如有更多冲突或问题,比较会产生兴趣继续阅读 5) We want to know the character's purpose/mission. ...

[045] How to treat Knee Injury 如何治療撞傷的膝蓋


[044] So what if you know the future? 知道未來又怎麼樣?

I was told by my "fortune teller" friend that I would have accidents this year, but still, they cannot be avoided... So do you still want to know about your future? 中文版請點(更多)→

[043] How to exercise regularly 如何常運動

I hope that my wallet will get fat soon so that I can exercise together with it $$$ 中文版請點(更多)→

[042] New neighbor Joanne 2

My wardrobe now is so different from when I was working... 中文版請點(更多)→

[041] New neighbor Joanne 新鄰居喬安

The name "Rolex" was voted by 9 readers on my Facebook poll to be the best for my dog, with runner ups "Darwin" and "Adam". I missed my previous character image of a "guifu" (rich lady), so to make my new comics a bit more drama-mama, I'd introduced back my friend Joanne as my new slim neighbor :P 中文版請點(更多)→

[040] If you have egocentric boss 如果碰到自大的老闆

 Got this inspiration in a leadership class.  中文版請點(更多)→

[039] Action is important 行動才最重要

Many times we think about what we want to do but always delay our plans till the very last minute. In Japanese politics for example, the reconstruction minister was forced to quit before commencing anything. All he did was some lecturing and no other concrete actions. Hence, it's important to execute our plans, otherwise it'll always remain as a thought. And this is... just my thought :P 中文版請點(更多)→

[038] Don't want to be like Van Gogh 不想成為梵高

Image please support my comics~~~! 中文版請點(更多)→

Bearing with it 忍耐

(continued from previous comic strip) Many people know that I really dislike my dorm because it's dirty. When I told them that I'd extended my stay for another year because it's cheap, the usual reaction that I got was that, " you must have gotten used to it by now right?"...  ... (續上回漫畫) 很多人都知道我很討厭骯髒的宿舍。當我說因為房租便宜所以延長一年時,大家的反應都是:“喔...所以應該已經習慣了吧?”... ...  YAH RIGHT!? How can anyone "get used" to filthiness? It's simply a test of endurance. I will NEVER get used to this kind of unhygienic living condition! -case closed!- 幹!怎麼可能會習慣髒兮兮的環境啊!?這當然只是在考驗個人的忍耐力! 我絕對不會習慣骯髒的住宿環境的! -閉案!-

[037] Bearing with it 忍耐

I'll show you my background story in the next post. 中文版請點(更多)→