
Showing posts with the label Comics

Comics: Disaster in the Air

This comic was done while I was traveling so the line work is a bit crappy... Wondering if I should pause the monday comics for 3 months so I can dedicate working on the 4th book or continue posting such rough comic strips?

Comics: Wonder in the Skies

Sometimes I get the aisle seat and I would wonder when the passengers inside will go toilet... I will be posting a series of travel-related comic strips inspired from my recent trips! Sorry no colour cos I am still rushing my 4th book!

Comics: Packing clothes for trips

It's always annoying when you have to pack summer, fall and winter clothes for one single trip...

Comics: Finally over

I'm not sure about other countries, but in Singapore the malls and some radio stations will keep on playing christmas music and carols...

Comics: Oops

Though my yoga teacher says the weight gain could be muscles...

Comics: How yoga help in losing weight

Based on true story, shouldn't have eaten so much before the classes that happen after lunch/dinner.

Comics: I did not know yoga can be dangerous

Happened to me on a Saturday class, which half of the students were pretty advance. I was nearly kicked left and right on the face but I won't really wear a helmet to class... I will continue to practice my dodging skill...

Comics: The Convention Memory Test

Having a booth at convention is always a time of test... a time to test memory...

Comics: Buying Dreams

Many times we buy things not because we need them but because we imagined what we may become by using it ... (but end up not using it, haha)

Comics: Facebook is greedy

Recently, Facebook updated the algorithm again to further limit our reach to readers. Over the years, many people had complained that they don't see my comics anymore and thought I've stopped! But in fact, I still upload a new comic strip every Monday! But of course, if you subscribed to my blog, you are safe and still updated with the latest comic! Here I compiled the list of social media channels that I run that you can follow besides the evil Facebook: Patreon: This is where I post my comics first and respond to all messages. Line Web Toons: Opened this new channel recently and run by my young fan :) Instagram: I've been using the Instagram stories a lot but I think it may become evil and greedy like its big brother in the future. Twitter: Sometimes the tweet limit can be limiting... maybe tha

Comics: Halloween special

For my foreign fans: ERP means Electronic Road Price, which is a gantry that our government installs to deduct fees for entering certain roads to reduce congestion at certain town areas. MRT is our subway system, and it breaks down often. Honestly do you buy those fancy Halloween candies or chocolates for yourself or give away? :P

Comics: Dumb question that everybody asks

Although sometimes the waiter/waitress will recommend their signature dish... Is there anybody out there who had never asked this question before?

Comics: Women during travel

I do feel like a hamster storing extra food that I don't need, because just in case... I booked ANA instead of Singapore Airline this time for my trip to Japan because of the extra checked in luggage allowance, hope I don't blow it this time!

Comics: Traveling in Asia

In Southeast Asia, you will get tanned due to the strong sun. In Japan, you will be tempted to buy a lot of things back. In Korea, you do not need to put on make-up when you leave the hotel because you can just go into any cosmetic shop to try the products and they will put it on for you for free~

Comics: The twist

Not sure if the body works like a cloth filled with fats, I could twist these out of the body for a slimmer waist!

Comics: When you are not free it all comes

I usually can get well within a week if I catch a cold or flu. But maybe because I was exhausted during STGCC and then everything came so it is taking me around 2 weeks to recover...

Comics: After buying a new phone or tablet

Sometimes it's given to kids or nieces/nephews...

Comics: Never-ending battle

One goes down and another one comes up... Are those aloe vera cream good for removing scars?

Comics: How it feels like in chaturanga and inversion

Chaturanga is a yoga pose by going into plank first, then bend your elbows while keeping it close to the body... nothing else touches the ground except for hands and toes... hold there for a few breaths, ouch... I have a pear shape body so I have difficulty doing arm balances because of my heavy bottom and narrow shoulders. Chaturanga is therefore difficult for me as well since it relies on the shoulder strength while keeping the belly in... well... supposedly in. On the other hand, inversions feel like I'm trying to lift a bunch of fats while I'm upside down...

Comics: Friendship on social media

Misunderstandings occur frequently on social media and texting on apps because we cannot see the other person's reaction. However many people chose to just "unfriend" instead of clearing things up personally with a phone call or meeting in person. Social media has helped bring people closer but also further...