
Showing posts with the label Comics (yoga and diet)

Comics: Doing yoga at home

I tried doing yoga at home, but I admit I don't have the perseverance to do core work and warrior poses so I usually end up just stretching here and there... which is good to relax and sleep zzz~

Comics: After a successful weight loss

Well everything is good except for that... ... xx Although I didn't lose much weight this month, I can already fit into my old clothes, yeah! Although I read about muscles being more compact than fats, to witness it on my body was quite amazing O_O;; I think I will carry on for one more month so I can have a buffer because I gain weight very easily. So very soon you will not see anymore weight loss diet comics XD

Comics: Buying smaller size clothes for motivation

I used to buy just-fitting clothes that shrink a bit after wash. I thought I could still fit in and motivates me to slim down, but my belly would end up rounder and rounder and protruding...😭

Comics: Losing weight by practicing yoga

Many people doubted that yoga can lose weight... well the truth is you can, but need to combine with a diet... And I am aware about my tummy each time during practice...

Comics: Exercising the face

I attended a core yoga class at Yoga Inc recently and it's mostly pilates moves to use your core muscles (mainly your abs, or in my case "flabby tummy"). Most of the time I find myself clenching my face and the instructor would tell us to relax... But I always find my face working harder than my tummy...🙎

Comics: It gets harder after 30s

I had been slowing gaining weight since end of last year when I was having events one after another and skipped my yoga and fitness classes. Worse, I ate anything I wanted, which included cakes and fried stuff. Before I know it, I gained 4kg and now I'm trying to lose it. I tried to control my diet and exercise more but after a month, the weight still stayed the same... oTz...

Comics: Diet can wait

Diet can wait till after the Chinese New Year is over... maybe...

Yoga comics: Cow Face Eagle Arm Pose

Because of my thick thighs and fat belly, I always feel awkward to be instructed to lean forward until my belly touch my thighs... 😑 Gotta lose that tummy one day...

Yoga comics: Directional problem

Happens in almost every yoga class when there are more than 6 students (1 of them is probably me)...

Comics: Diet can wait

I gained a whopping 3kg over a few months time, got to spend the rest of the year losing that... 😭😭😭

Comics: Yoga Wheel saga

Continuation from previous strip! I later learned that cats don't like to get their tummy rubbed... Kopi is a very rich dog...

Comics: Yoga Wheel

Though I have to give up yoga while treating my BPPV... Experimenting comics featuring more of my imaginary pets!

Comics: Weight loss and gain

Though I don't really swim nor run...

Comics: Pear-shape body woes with clothes

It's a pain when you have a big belly and thick thigh... We can only wear bootcut or flare jeans and the tops had to be loose at the waist and hip area. Can't wear lots of nice yoga clothes and have to experiment with different lengths of tops and patterned leggings.

Comics: Diet plan that fails

This doesn't work... the only way is to completely stop buying (and seeing evil). BTW, if you like my comics, please consider to support me on patreon! I promise no snacks... ...

Yoga Comics: The Countdown Cheat 2

Seems that not a lot of people understand the previous strip so I did this version which may be more obvious. Although I find the previous twisted lunge pose more difficult to hold than this warrior 3 pose.

Yoga Comics: The Countdown Cheat

I am experimenting a new format for my yoga comics and writing slightly more on my blog than FB and Instagram. The twisted lunge pose is pretty challenging for me to hold after 5 breaths. The other challenging pose for me to hold is the boat pose. I am still unable to straighten my legs without sitting back, which is incorrect posture for the back. Oh well, one day I will be able to!

Yoga Comics: Baby Crow Pose

Somehow I find baby crow pose more difficult that crow pose! The back of the arms and core has to work really hard to lift the legs up! P.S. I will be dedicating a new tag to my comics about yoga, fitness and diet (failures).

Monday Yoga Comics

Seriously, I love my new Manduka Eko mat a lot. It's made from rubber and has excellent grip when my palms and feet are both sweaty~ And I made a square one for instagram too: Nevertheless, I still think it's muscles!

Monday Yoga comics

And this is my new mat (Eko mat) from Manduka! It's made of rubber so I had to use a mat restore to effectively clean and maintain it :) My first yoga mat!!! Can't wait to practice on it! (After I reply tons of work emails first....) #yogamat #manduka A photo posted by Evangeline Neo (@evacomics) on Jun 29, 2015 at 3:24am PDT When the instructor is very flexible, I do feel as if I am attending an acrobat class, it's challenging but fun :P Luckily I exercise, otherwise I think I will be pretty fat now... A photo posted by Evangeline Neo (@evacomics) on Jul 3, 2015 at 12:37am PDT