After relentless whining about the lack of support for artists and my expensive monthly medical fees, a friend decided to pledge and encouraged me to finish my second book earlier. And because it was my birthday month, a fan increased her pledge to $10 for this month only, hence for the first time in more than a year, I finally reached the goal of US$600/month!!! \(≧▽≦)丿♪ \(≧▽≦)丿♪ \(≧▽≦)丿♪ But after one day, a fan lowered his pledge for June... ... anyway, at least all patrons are still around!!! It has not been easy and many times I was disappointed because although I have 96,000 likes on FB and 5,400 followers on Instagram, I have less than 60 patrons supporting me. Which made me wonder WHY??? Sometimes I post about my disappointment on FB, but I would get random readers telling me to stop posting such demoralising posts, so I only post my comics nowadays... #supportlocal ? When my first book was published in 2014, I had around 48,000 likes but sales was ...