Some things are just international

Some things are international, even though it's dangerous. This is called 「あるきスマホ」in Japan, which means "walking smartphone". How about your country?


  1. I even see people texting while riding bikes in japan.

    1. I think I saw it before too.
      My friend tried to text when she was going down the stairs and I had to remind her to be careful!

  2. Same. Its amazing how so many people can have.

    1. Actually I used to have my iphone 3GS, now I have none!

  3. He-he, it is true everywhere.
    I saw many many times as my daughter was messaging her friends, whom she was 2 feets far only. Looks weird for me, cus I still think that audible conversation is more productive.

    Good one,


    1. LOL, maybe she's transferring a contact or a link?
      Yes many people nowadays are addicted to live updates, they must take a photo and update their social media account immediately and converse with those people who reply instead of talking to the person right in front.

    2. I do not really know what she is doing, but it looks funny, especially, when 5-6 youngsters are staying together, and after some typing one of them starts laughing, and shows screen to another and they start laughing together, and in a moment both them start typing more intence. Once I asked my daughter: What do You talk about?; and she answered: Just socializing. Weirdo! :lol:

      Russian proverb tells: It does not matter how child is entertains himself, it is always better that commiting suicide.

      ewww ...

    3. Do children commit suicide a lot in Russia!? O_O

    4. ... here was typo, You should read: 'better than commiting suicide'

      I do not really know, I think that it is the same as in any other country. But I should admit, there are more reasons to commit suicide in russia than in states.

      That is very old proverb, may be 200 years old, and, probably, it does not correct now :) There are many funny variations about it, like 'better than pooping', 'better than crying', etc...


    5. That do sound rather optimistic...
      BTW, were you born in Russia but migrated to US?
      Just to confirm ^^

    6. I was born in USSR, the place where I was born is separate coutnry, different from Russia. BTW, I moved to Russia before soviet union broke apart, and I still have Russian citizenship. I immigrate to states later, and have american citizenship now.

      Weird :)


    7. I don't think it's weird, just not simple :P

  4. I don't like but is the same in my country. People tend to take out the smartphone everywhere, even during dinner, so annoying

    1. Yes it's really annoying, until I realise my friend was checking my messages to him~

    2. Ok now THAT made me laugh for quite a while...touche

  5. Here in the US, people do this while driving... dangerous. And when I walk through Boston, I notice many people are focused upon their smartphones, bumping into each other as well as street signs and telephone poles -even preoccupied while crossing the street. If it weren't so dangerous, I would find it kind of funny. This strange behavior seems ubiquitous throughout developed countries. While waiting for a meeting or in a long line, I can be found swiping through my phone, answering text messages, etcetera. I do it to kill time, but I think other people are just really busy and living dangerously. lol


    1. Thanks Rudy for your detailed account of how's it like in Boston! My facebook fans in Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia told me too that they are facing the same problem! The only few countries that don't do that are UK and another country that I can't remember right now ~ Amazing!


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