
Comics: Customer Service

Not that it was fantastic in the past... but now it's worse since they (telco and banks) closed down many physical stores or consolidate everything to automated phone lines. Many times we have to wait for at least 10 min to talk to any humans.

Comics: Inflation

Oh well... 😓

Comics: Paranoid due to Omicron

Because Omicron symptoms on vaccinated people are less severe and feels more like a common cold, people like me with constant sinusitis are paranoid when people around me are infected... Can't be poking my nose everyday!

Comics: Miss traveling

When you miss traveling so much…🥺

Comics: How to deal with scam

Not financial advice, but works!

Comics: 2022 year of Water Tiger

The animal zodiacs in the Chinese calendar actually don't represent the real animals. They were chosen as it was easy for uneducated farmers during ancient times to remember the months to do their planting and harvesting. So there's no need to wear pig accessories (because it combines with Tiger) or avoid real monkeys (because it clashes with Tiger). Wishing everyone a year of fruitful learning and improvement this year!

Comics: What we keep in our kitchen

Unlike what Uncle Ronger says, we don't keep MSG but plastic bags :P