
Comics: Pet Shrimps

I wonder if it's just me...

Comics: Multi-tasking

Sorry there were no updates on Monday because my home internet broke down and there is no Blogger App!

Comics: Brainstorm

Running out of ideas recently...

Comics: Plastic Free July

I seldom draw comics with social messages these days but plastic is an issue I’ve always been concerned about. I believe the usage of plastic bottles can also be decreased by restaurants like offering the option of boiled or filtered tap water. 🥛

Comics: Coffee Motivation quotes

Disclaimer: No real pets were harmed making this comic.

Comics: The Daily Elixer

Who's the same as me? XD

Comics: Glorious Past

Now I don't understand a thing... but I knew I was a genius!

Yoga Comics: Engaging the Tummy

Another yoga Instagram account was sharing my old work so I suddenly gain a lot of followers. Since my health is getting better now (and my tummy size is getting bigger), I will be trying to go for more yoga classes and do more comics based on my practice again, hope you all will like it!

Comics: Before and After Going to Japan

Diagonal-crossing is also known as x-crossing. So after you have been to Shibuya crossing, all diagonal-crossings are going to be called "Shibuya-crossing" regardless of being in Japan or not. You'll also get to train your muscles because there's a lot of stairs, not many escalators and lifts in Japan! So imagine all the luggage you have to carry up and down while transiting to airport to train stations and in-between hotels... P.S. This is the last of the Japan series! Posting 2 comics this week to make up for the missing strips during my break last month :)

Comics: How you know a book author had passed by

It's time to do this again! If you happen to see my books please help me to flip too, thanks! :P